Monday 12 March 2018

Avaliação da negociação da opção iq

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Revisão da opção IQ | IQ Option é Scam?

IQ Option é SCAM ou não? 100% Honest Review Pro Trader Revela a verdade! Leia isso primeiro e comece a negociar agora! MELHORES Dicas!

IQ Option & # 8211; Plataforma de negociação.

Os serviços financeiros fornecidos por este site trazem um alto nível de risco e podem resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos. Você nunca deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder.

Nesta revisão, vejo os seguintes fatos:

Vídeo do YouTube: um vídeo de introdução para novos comerciantes.

Opção IQ.

Testemunhos e histórias de sucesso: usuários reais compartilham suas experiências.

Comércio: como e o que comercializar com a opção IQ.

Aplicação: Como usar e tirar o máximo proveito do aplicativo. IQ Option Is Scam ?: Meu relatório completo de investigação de fraude e resultados. IQ Option Auto Trader: Você pode usar a opção binária auto-comerciante do robô com este site do corretor. IQ Option US comerciantes: este corretor site atualmente não aceita comerciantes dos EUA. Eu direi por que e quais são suas opções se você reside nos Estados Unidos. Conclusão: Incluindo a classificação geral.

Como negociar na opção IQ.


Depósito mínimo de $ 10: Este é o depósito mínimo para iniciar a negociação de opções binárias. Você não precisa fazer um grande investimento. $ 1 Negociações mínimas: Novamente, você não precisa ser um milionário para ganhar dinheiro negociando ações ou moedas; Você pode começar com pequenas quantidades e subir a escada ao seu próprio ritmo.

Sistema de educação interativa baseado na Web Mais de 500 ativos para negociar Conta demo totalmente GRATUITA: se você quiser começar com mais cuidado, você pode primeiro trocar com uma conta demo.

Reivindique essas ofertas pendentes e comece a negociar com a opção IQ preenchendo o formulário abaixo.

Informações importantes em poucas palavras.

Regulamentação: Entidades Jurídicas da CySEC: A opção IQ consiste em duas entidades jurídicas: a IQ Option Europe Ltd. é registrada em Chipre e é regulada pela CySEC e pela IQ Option Ltd. registrada nas Seychelles, esta entidade não está regulamentada. Depósito mínimo: $ 10 Preço mínimo de exercício: $ 1 Preço máximo da opção: $ 5,000 Rendimento: até 92% em caso de previsão correta Métodos de depósito / retirada: cartão de crédito, transferência bancária, Skrill, Neteller, Boleto, Qiwi, WebMoney, iDeal, Fasapay, Sofort Ativos: pares de moedas, ações, índices e commodities Número de ativos: 500+ Países: Aceitamos todos os países, exceto EUA, Canadá, Austrália, Bélgica, Israel, Palestina, Japão, Rússia, Turquia, Síria, Sudão, Coréia do Norte e Irã. Os usuários dos países a seguir não podem trocar o aplicativo móvel iOS: Malta; Aplicação de Android não disponível para: Malta, Myanmar, Liechtenstein, Cuba. Conta de demonstração: Sim, sem carga, sem limite de tempo Aplicação móvel: Android, Plataforma iOS Trading: navegador web e aplicativo autônomo Suporte: 24/7 Idiomas de suporte: inglês, russo, turco, alemão, espanhol, português, chinês, sueco , Coreano, francês, italiano, árabe, hindi Fundado: 2018 Retirada: 1 dia útil.

IQ Option & # 8211; Como usar.

Atualmente, existem centenas de corretores de opções binárias, com novos que aparecem no mercado quase que diariamente. Isso é ótimo para os clientes. À medida que as empresas tentam competir uns contra os outros, há um número quase infinito de opções com características especiais.

Uma coisa que muitos corretores tem negligenciado são os clientes existentes; O objetivo apenas foi obter novos clientes, o que levou muitos clientes, depois de fazer seu primeiro depósito, a ir a outros sites de corretores ou a parar de investir em opções binárias completamente.

Mas é aqui que o IQ Option é completamente diferente dos seus concorrentes. Um exemplo perfeito disso é um depósito mínimo de US $ 10 e um investimento mínimo de US $ 1, o que mostra que eles estão abertamente dando boas-vindas aos investidores que querem começar com cautela ou que não podem gastar grandes quantidades de dinheiro.

IQ Option atualmente possui 77 ativos de negociação diferentes disponíveis. Esses incluem:

Estoques. Ações de mais de 50 grandes empresas. como Gazprom, Daimler, Barclays, Apple e Rosneft. Índices. A maioria dos índices negociados, incluindo FTSE 100, DAX, Nikkei-225, CAC 40, Dow Jones e S & # 038; P 500. Commodities. Ouro e prata . Pares de moeda. Todos os pares de moedas mais comumente negociados, incluindo EUR / USD, GBP / USD, AUD / CAD, EUR / JPY, USD / CHF e muitos outros. Bitcoin: esta opção só está disponível em alguns sites de intermediários de opções binárias.

Nova plataforma IQ v4.0.

Tipos de conta.

Existem três tipos diferentes de contas disponíveis para você, incluindo dois tipos de contas que são para negociação de dinheiro real:

Pratique a negociação gratuitamente Não usa dinheiro real.

Todos os ativos de negociação 500+ disponíveis Comece com apenas um depósito mínimo de US $ 10 Você pode participar em concursos de negociação Acesso total a oportunidades comerciais Retiradas rápidas (no prazo de 3 dias)

(Você terá acesso ao VIP se você depositar mais de US $ 3.000)

Todos os mais de 500 ativos de negociação disponíveis Acesso total a oportunidades de negociação Você pode participar em competições comerciais.

Eu pessoalmente recomendo começar com uma conta VIP desde o início.

O que isso significa para você?

Você pode escolher entre uma grande variedade de opções de depósito. Os métodos de depósito atuais são o cartão de crédito, Skrill, Neteller, Boleto, Qiwi, WebMoney, iDeal, Fasapay, Sofort: & # 8220; ou você pode usar os seguintes métodos: Skrill, transferência bancária, WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex Money, PayPal , LiqPay e Moneta & # 8221;

Montantes de Negociação.

O investimento mínimo de US $ 1 por comércio é o mais baixo da indústria. Isso torna possível começar a investir, com dinheiro real. Como o investimento mínimo é tão baixo, recomendo abrir uma conta de dinheiro real desde o início.

O investimento máximo de US $ 5.000 por comércio é suficiente mesmo para investidores de "alta rotação" que estão dispostos a assumir grandes riscos para obter altos rendimentos. Por exemplo, ao estabelecer um número de negociações de US $ 5.000 seguidas, você pode aumentar as apostas tão alto quanto você quiser.

Plataforma de negociação.

A opção IQ usa sua própria plataforma de negociação, uma nova mudança da plataforma SpotOption que é usada por quase todos os principais sites de corretores, incluindo o Banc de Binary e GOptions. Ao contrário de alguns sites concorrentes, a possibilidade de inadvertidamente definir o investimento errado não é possível. A plataforma tem muitos recursos únicos, especialmente projetados para torná-lo simples e fácil de usar.

Para testar a plataforma com um iniciante, perguntamos a nossa secretária se ela poderia dominar a plataforma. Nossa secretária não possui experiência prévia com opções binárias. Nós demos a ela 15 minutos para aprender, após o que voltamos para verificar a situação.

Quando voltamos, ela nos disse que 15 minutos eram mais do que suficientes. Ela estava muito familiarizada com todas as características principais depois de alguns minutos. Ela também nos disse que nunca tinha se interessado em investir; Entretanto, após o experimento, ela decidiu começar a aprender ativamente sobre o investimento com a opção IQ. Em conclusão, não há melhor maneira de começar.

A plataforma de negociação inclui os seguintes recursos exclusivos:

Movimentos de preços de ativos em tempo real: você pode acompanhar as mudanças de preços dos ativos de negociação desejados através de gráficos em tempo real. Painel de análise técnica: você encontrará várias ferramentas de análise no painel de análise técnica. Vou contar-lhe mais sobre isso na seção de padrões comerciais deste artigo. Possibilidade de usar uma variedade de gráficos: além dos gráficos de tiques mais utilizados, você também pode usar gráficos de candlestick. Indicador de escolha do comerciante: Aqui você pode ver diretamente qual alternativa de investimento ("colocar" ou "ligar") é mais popular, bem como a porcentagem de investidores que escolheram cada alternativa. Principais estatísticas e melhores ofertas do comerciante: você pode rapidamente e facilmente ver o quanto os melhores investidores ganharam lucro e como; Notícias financeiras relevantes: você não precisa mais examinar todas as notícias de vários sites, você pode vê-lo diretamente através da plataforma de negociação.

Tipos de opções.

O investidor pode ter a opção expirar em 60 segundos, ou selecionar com mais cautela um tempo de expiração, como 30 minutos ou até 24 horas. No entanto, eles também são muito arriscados do que opções de maturidade mais longas. Os lucros podem ser enormes, mas as perdas também são freqüentes.

IQ Option & # 8211; A ferramenta de negociação mais rápida.

Torneios de Opções Binárias.

A opção IQ oferece torneios de opções binárias *. Eu nunca vi isso em nenhum outro site do corretor, então eu tentei eles com grande interesse. No início, todos os comerciantes recebem um saldo de torneio de US $ 10.000 para seu uso durante o torneio. Os vencedores são determinados pelos saldos do torneio no final, os participantes com o saldo mais alto ganham o prêmio do primeiro lugar etc.

Alguns torneios têm um fundo de prêmio garantido, o que significa que, se as taxas de participação não cobrem todo o bônus, o corretor pagará o resto. Alguns torneios também têm possibilidades de recompensar, o que significa que, se você perder todo o seu saldo do torneio, você pode se recompensar novamente no torneio, pela mesma taxa de inscrição e você ganha um saldo de torneio de $ 10.000 novamente. Os torneios geralmente duram 30 minutos. Ao participar de um torneio, você pode beneficiar 100 vezes (às vezes até mais) da taxa de inscrição.

* Os torneios estão sujeitos aos Termos e Condições.

Padrão de negociação do torneio:

O nível médio dos participantes nesses torneios é surpreendentemente ruim. Com um bom padrão de negociação, estas são realmente uma boa maneira de ganhar dinheiro. Instruções a seguir:

Sempre aponta para ganhar: o finalizador do primeiro lugar sempre obtém, de longe, o maior prêmio. Portanto, não vale a pena apontar para o oitavo ou nono lugar, mesmo que estes permitam coletar um prêmio em dinheiro. Mesmo se você tiver uma pequena chance, tente entrar no primeiro lugar, geralmente vale o risco. É bom passar os primeiros minutos observando as estratégias que os outros participantes estão usando: Veja se outros participantes estão tentando expandir os fundos do torneio agressivamente desde o início ou tomar uma abordagem mais cautelosa. Você pode adaptar seu próprio padrão comercial de acordo. No entanto, certifique-se de que os líderes não ficam muito à sua frente, ou pode tornar-se difícil para você pegá-los mais tarde. No meio do torneio, você deve ter uma imagem clara do que os outros participantes estão fazendo e qual o tipo de padrão comercial que você deve usar: agora é hora de otimizar seu padrão de negociação de acordo com seus objetivos. Se você é o líder claro, não deixe que os outros se aproximem demais. Se você está perto do líder, tente mantê-los fechados, para que você possa atacar antes do final do torneio. Além disso, observe o tipo de estratégias que os líderes do torneio estão usando. Se eles são muito cautelosos, esta será sua chance de tomar o pote inteiro, atacar de forma mais agressiva e tentar entrar na liderança. Se o fim do torneio estiver se aproximando, e você não está perto do topo, é hora de correr grandes riscos: você não tem nada a perder, então será um bom momento para alcançar o dinheiro, assumindo grandes riscos. A vitória pode não estar próxima, mas não se desencoraje. Enquanto você tiver dinheiro, você tem uma chance. Analise o seu padrão de negociação depois e pense em maneiras de ganhar mais no futuro: sempre há margem para melhorias, mesmo que você ganhasse. Passe alguns minutos analisando seu padrão de negociação depois que o torneio terminar, talvez seja extremamente benéfico na próxima vez.

Padrão de negociação.

Os investidores têm acesso gratuito a um grande número de diferentes ferramentas e recursos de análise técnica. Você pode até mesmo usá-los diretamente através da plataforma de negociação. Você pode facilmente ver as tendências em mudança da negociação e, através do painel de análise técnica, é quase sem esforço tomar decisões de investimento com base na análise completa. Você não precisa de nenhum conhecimento prévio para fazer isso.

Há uma quantidade quase infinita de materiais educacionais gratuitos para você usar, como webinars gratuitos, ebooks, vídeos de instrução e tutoriais. Com a ajuda desses materiais extensivos, você pode facilmente desenvolver suas habilidades e se tornar um investidor muito melhor. Abaixo estão três exemplos de vídeos tutoriais que estão disponíveis para investidores.

Padrões de Negociação para IQ Option Broker.

Antes de chegar às estratégias reais, você precisa entender o sistema com o qual eles trabalham.

Castiçal japoneses:

São barras em gráficos que descrevem os movimentos de preços de um ativo. Eles representam a abertura e o fechamento de uma faixa de preço. Se o preço subir, ele será representado por uma vela verde. Se o preço se mover para baixo, ele será representado por uma vela vermelha.

Trend Lines:

Estas são linhas no gráfico que representam movimentos de preços e mostram o corredor dentro do qual a faixa de preço do ativo provavelmente flutuará. As linhas de suporte no lado inferior do gráfico representam o nível do qual os preços tendem a saltar para cima. O nível de resistência refere-se à linha de tendência na parte superior do gráfico e representa o nível a partir do qual os preços tendem a diminuir para baixo. A área entre as duas linhas de tendência é o corredor de tendências.

Os castiçais, as linhas de tendência e o corredor de tendências são algumas das ferramentas mais populares e eficazes em geração de sinal de opções binárias.

Os Padrões Principais.

1. O Rebound Line Trading Pattern.

O objetivo deste padrão comercial é pegar o movimento de um recurso no momento em que o preço não pode romper o suporte dos níveis de resistência. Neste padrão de negociação, quando o preço atinge o nível de resistência e a vela fecha antes desse nível, a possibilidade de um rebote é maior que a possibilidade de crescimento. Aqui, você é melhor comprar uma opção "colocar".

Com o mesmo padrão de negociação, se o preço atingir a linha de suporte e a vela se fecha logo acima desse nível, você está melhor comprando uma opção de "chamada". Este padrão de negociação é relevante se a tendência é neutra, para cima ou para baixo.

2. O padrão de negociação de três corvos negros.

Esse padrão de negociação define a reversão para baixo na tendência de alta. Procure uma tendência de alta com várias velas ascendentes seguidas. Aguarde a reversão de três velas descendentes seguidas. O fechamento na terceira vela é um sinal de uma tendência de alta se transformando em uma tendência de baixa.

Ao mesmo tempo, quando há três velas decrescentes seguidas, e o preço fecha no final do terceiro, esse será um sinal de uma tendência de baixa voltada para uma tendência de alta. Esses sinais são o que você usará para fazer seus negócios.

3. Piercing Line Padrão de castiçal.

Aqui você estuda os castiçais com cuidado e procura uma tendência nos movimentos de preços. O que você estará atendo é o momento preciso em que você notará uma reversão de uma tendência de queda. Encontre duas velas no gráfico, uma das quais fecha o preço no meio do anterior. Aguarde a segunda vela ascendente. Quando uma terceira vela ascendente aparecer, será um sinal de uma inversão de tendência.

Isso acontecerá de ambos os modos. Procure outro conjunto de duas velas e veja se uma fecha no meio da anterior. Você vai olhar a segunda vela enquanto espera pela terceira vela decrescente. . Este será o sinal de outra inversão de tendência desta vez no lado oposto do gráfico. Você pode então executar o comércio de acordo com o sinal e você pode esperar uma conclusão vencedora.

4. O padrão de troca de arco-íris.

Esse padrão de negociação é um pouco mais técnico do que as estratégias acima. Aqui, são utilizadas simultaneamente três médias exponenciais com diferentes períodos. No gráfico, você marcará a primeira linha com um período de 6 em azul. A segunda linha com um período de 14 será marcada em amarelo, enquanto a terceira linha com um período de 26 será marcada com vermelho.

Para sinais fortes de uma queda iminente no preço de um ativo, serão observados os seguintes pontos com a média móvel.

A linha azul estará no topo. A linha amarela estará no meio. A linha vermelha estará na parte inferior.

A interseção da linha azul com a linha amarela será o sinal para entrar no mercado e comprar uma opção "colocar".

Para sinais fortes de um aumento iminente no preço de um ativo, serão observados os seguintes pontos.

A linha vermelha estará no topo A linha amarela estará no meio. A linha azul estará na parte inferior.

A interseção da linha amarela com a linha azul é um sinal forte para entrar no mercado e comprar uma opção de "chamada".

5. Padrões de negociação de médias móveis.

Esta é uma das estratégias mais populares e é amplamente utilizada no comércio de opções binárias, onde IQ Option está em jogo. É usado para efeito total, com lucro sábio por comerciantes experientes e novatos. Você usará as ferramentas de análise técnica disponíveis para construir o indicador de médias móveis.

O período indica o número de candelabros selecionados para o cálculo das médias móveis. Com este padrão de negociação empregado pelos clientes da IQ Option, existem quatro tipos de médias móveis. A diferença vem com o método de cálculo. As diferentes médias móveis são: simples, exponencial, pesagem e suave.

A maioria dos clientes da IQ Option estão de acordo em que as médias móveis simples e exponenciais são as mais simples de calcular e usar para ajudar a gerar sinais. Eles também são os mais precisos dos quatro. Na maioria dos casos, os dois últimos são usados ​​por profissionais em estratégias altamente especializadas.

As médias móveis simples e exponenciais são relevantes com muitas estratégias de negociação, incluindo seguindo o corredor usando a linha de rebote e a linha de ruptura. Eles também são usados ​​em estratégias avançadas onde a construção de várias médias móveis é realizada simultaneamente.

6. O Padrão de Negociação Pin Bar.

Essa é outra das estratégias mais técnicas que você pode usar com a opção IQ. Ele será usado para prever uma tendência descendente ou ascendente com o preço de um ativo. O que é estudado aqui são as velas da barra de pin com caudas ou manchas.

Se uma vela de barra de pinos tem um corpo pequeno e uma cauda longa, direcionada para cima ou para baixo, há uma mudança iminente no preço do recurso, dependendo das condições de mercado prevalecentes. Se a cauda da barra de pin aponte para cima, prevê-se que o preço do recurso se mova para baixo. Você precisará prever em conformidade nesse instante.

Quando a cauda da barra de pin aponta para baixo, o preço do recurso está previsto para subir. Este é outro sinal e você irá negociar de acordo. Uma boa barra com uma cauda é uma indicação de que você deve entrar no mercado. O que você precisa ter cuidado é a direção que a cauda está enfrentando, pois isso será indicativo das condições de mercado prevalecentes.

Nem todas as barras de pin com caudas são boas. Uma boa barra de pinos tem que satisfazer as seguintes condições:

Os níveis aberto e próximo são colocados ao lado do final de uma das barras anteriores. Isso deve estar perto da parte superior ou inferior. As barras de parafusos abertas e fechadas são colocadas dentro das barras esquerdas também conhecidas como o olho esquerdo. Se todos os parâmetros estiverem à direita, significa que o sinal é suficientemente forte para entrar no mercado.

7. O padrão de negociação da linha de interrupção.

Este padrão de negociação de opção de QI visa pegar o momento exato em que um castiçal viola a linha de suporte ou a linha de resistência. Quando a vela fecha acima da linha de resistência, é melhor comprar uma opção de "chamada". Isso ocorre porque as chances de o preço do aumento de ativos aumentar dramaticamente.

Quando a vela fecha abaixo da linha de suporte, as chances de queda do preço aumentam a uma taxa muito alta. Neste ponto do gráfico, você vai comprar uma opção "colocar", pois é a mais favorável. Este padrão comercial é adequado para tendências neutras, ascendentes e descendentes.

8. Padrão de negociação de jacaré.

Esse padrão de negociação é bastante simples em seus mecanismos de aplicação. Aqui, três médias móveis lisas são monitoradas à medida que se movem ao longo do gráfico. Eles exibirão diferentes movimentos e seus respectivos períodos de tempo. O que é importante notar é que, com esse padrão de negociação, as médias móveis devem ser do tipo suave.

Isso implica que as médias móveis simples e exponenciais não funcionarão com esse padrão de negociação, pelo menos não com o sistema IQ Option. Isso ocorre porque as médias de movimentação lisas têm muito pouco impacto sobre ondulações no mercado ou flutuações com muito pouca importância. Essas linhas de média móvel mostram o preço mais provável que o ativo terá no futuro próximo se o mercado não tiver qualquer influência indevida de fatores inesperados dentro do próprio mercado do bem ou nos mercados financeiros globais mais amplos.

As linhas médias lisas dos castiçais são vistas como se fossem dentes de jacaré. Quando as velas se abrem para cima, é o momento apropriado para você fazer um comércio. Este é um sinal para executar uma opção de "chamada" imediatamente.

Quando os castiçais abrem para baixo, é um sinal de que o comércio apropriado para executar é uma opção de "colocar".

Quando os indicadores são torcidos como uma hélice ou entrelaçados de qualquer maneira, significa que o jacaré está dormindo; Este não é o momento apropriado para fazer negócios. O comércio neste ponto pode ser tentador, mas as chances de perder sua participação aqui são muito altas porque a próxima possível jogada é muito imprevisível.

Entre os negócios "call" e "put", os indicadores voltarão a torcer e você deve descansar sua negociação por um tempo.

9. O Padrão de Negociação de Bandas de Bollinger.

Aqui, o padrão de negociação é aplicado com o gráfico de preços que transporta três linhas. Essas linhas não são iguais em espessura. Em vez disso, sua largura vai mudar de acordo com os movimentos no mercado. Quando o mercado de um ativo é calmo, as bandas se estreitarão. Quando a atividade retomar, as bandas se alargarão. A taxa em que eles se expandirem dependerá da intensidade da negociação. Se você notar um aumento rápido das bandas, você pode ter certeza de que houve um aumento súbito na intensidade da negociação para esse bem em particular.

A banda no centro representa uma média móvel lisa que levará algo como 20 barras / velas.

Negociar opções binárias é um empreendimento lucrativo. O que você precisa é o intermediário certo para lidar com seu investimento e orientá-lo para a rentabilidade. IQ Option é um dos principais corretores no mercado de opções binárias. Isso pode ser visto a partir do entendimento profundo de que eles têm do mercado de opções binárias e dos movimentos dos preços dos ativos. Como evidenciado pela sofisticação das estratégias de negociação, é como você interpreta os movimentos de preços que determinam a natureza dos sinais que você obtém.

Outros Vídeos de Padrão de Negociação de Opções de QI.

Negociação local de níveis.

Como trocar opções binárias.

Como configurar as janelas de negociação na opção IQ.

Como usar multi-gráficos na opção IQ.

Opção clássica. Novo produto por opção IQ!

O que é a opção. Termos básicos. Como funciona.

Como trocar opções clássicas com opção de QI.

O padrão de negociação comercial Strangle.

Como vender opções antes do prazo de validade.

IQ Option App.

O aplicativo para celular IQ Option é um dos melhores que já usei. E, eu não sou o único que pensa isso. Neste momento, é o aplicativo comercial # 1 em 45 países. Uma das razões mais importantes para o seu sucesso são os grandes recursos funcionais, que tornam possível a negociação em qualquer momento e de qualquer lugar. Os botões mais importantes não estão muito próximos um do outro, então mesmo aqueles com grandes dedos, como eu, não farão cliques incorretos.

O aplicativo é basicamente a plataforma de negociação normal em um tamanho menor, então, se você quiser apenas trocar com seu telefone celular, você pode; e você não perderá nenhuma das principais características. O comércio "em movimento" está se tornando mais popular todos os dias, então, com esta excelente plataforma móvel, a IQ Option definitivamente possui uma vantagem distinta sobre a maioria dos seus concorrentes. O aplicativo pode ser baixado do Google Play ou App Store ou clique no botão abaixo para baixar o aplicativo móvel IQ Option agora:

Os serviços financeiros fornecidos por este site trazem um alto nível de risco e podem resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos. Você nunca deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder.

Opção de QI: é uma fraude?

Eu fiz uma investigação de fraude completa e o resultado é claro: a opção IQ não é um corretor fraudulento. Os seguintes fatos provam isso sem dúvida:

Possui o melhor site e a plataforma de negociação mais versátil da indústria: estes custam centenas de milhares de dólares a serem feitos. Os golpistas não teriam esse tipo de recursos à disposição. Funcionou por vários anos sem comentários negativos: os Scammers nunca podem escapar totalmente aos comentários negativos; uma grande reputação é um bom indicador de que o corretor é verdadeiramente honesto. Tem o depósito mínimo mais baixo na indústria: Scammers geralmente têm um objetivo simples: obter o máximo de dinheiro o mais rápido possível. Existe sempre o risco de revelar a fraude, após o qual a obtenção de dinheiro é extremamente difícil. Contas de demonstração totalmente gratuitas: se você pretende fraudar, por que você daria algo de graça? Especialmente se isso aumentasse o risco de exposição. Material educacional gratuito extensivo: se você pretende roubar alguém, isso não faz sentido para dificultar o ensino de suas vítimas. Retiros rápidos e métodos de retirada versáteis: Os fraqueadores sempre tentam obter dinheiro de suas vítimas por qualquer meio possível. Portanto, é óbvio que eles não dariam às vítimas seu dinheiro de volta. Prêmios e distinções: Scammers não ganham prêmios de organizações imparciais. Mais informações sobre esses prêmios são fornecidos abaixo.

IQ Option & # 8211; Broker muito especial.

IQ Option recebeu vários prêmios e reconhecimento de várias fontes. Isso é mais uma prova de que eles são excelentes e honestos em seus negócios. O mais popular desses prêmios é o prêmio "Mais confiável do intermediário da opção binária" e o prêmio "O mais inovador do intermediário da opção binária". Os juízes eram as pessoas mais estimadas e experientes na área de investimento, de todo o mundo. IQ Option competiu contra outros sites de corretores populares, como CTOption, Option FM, CherryTrade e Master Option.


Devo admitir que estou extremamente impressionado com a forma como o IQ Option profissional lidou com todos os detalhes de seu site. Eles realmente levantaram a barra para um nível completamente novo. Neste momento, é difícil imaginar que qualquer outro site de intermediário fique tão próximo a eles como um todo. Por esse motivo, a opção IQ é minha recomendação número um absoluto para cada investidor de opções binárias. Este site do corretor é verdadeiramente de primeira qualidade em todas as características que podem ser medidas.

Classificação geral de 4.9 fora do 5.0.

Registre-se agora clicando no botão abaixo e trocando com os melhores!

Os serviços financeiros fornecidos por este site trazem um alto nível de risco e podem resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos. Você nunca deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder.

Confira estes artigos mais votados!

Páginas internacionais.

Los Mejores Robots de Opções Binarias (Español) Roboter für Binäre Optionen (Deutsch) Meilleurs Robots sur Options Binaires (Français) I Migliori Robot por Opzioni Binarie (Italiano) Melhores Robôs de Opções Binárias (Português do Brasil)

Atualizado em 25-04-2017.

Autor: Michael Allen.

Michael Allen é o principal autor da binaryoptionrobotinfo. Possui Doutorado em Economia e trabalhou em banco de investimento por 24 anos.

Opção de opção binária recomendada Auto Traders.

Robô de Opção.

Obtenha o melhor robô de opção binária - Option Robot - gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo. Nossa oferta exclusiva: conta demo gratuita! Veja o quão lucrativo o Robot da Opção antes de investir com dinheiro real!

Taxa de retorno média: mais de 90% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: sites de corretores aceitos aceitos: 16 corretores diferentes Preço: Gratuito.

Binário automatizado.

O melhor novo software de negociação automática: Automated Binary. Obtenha agora gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo e comece a ganhar dinheiro enquanto você dorme!

Taxa de retorno médio: cerca de 80% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: Aceitamos sites de corretores compatíveis: 11 corretores diferentes Preço: Gratuito.

O Real Robot.

O melhor novo software de negociação automática: Automated Binary. Obtenha agora gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo e comece a ganhar dinheiro enquanto você dorme!

Taxa de retorno média: pouco mais de 80% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: Não aceito Sites compatíveis do corretor: 12 corretores diferentes Preço: Gratuito.

Coloque seus negócios para copiar os melhores comerciantes do mundo e ganhe dinheiro sem fazer muito trabalho. Software inovador, que você pode obter livremente clicando no botão abaixo.

Taxa de retorno média: Depende do comerciante que você escolhe copiar Clientes dos EUA: Não aceito Sites compatíveis do corretor: Preço de Anyoption: Gratuito.

Mike's Auto Trader.

Um dos melhores comerciantes de automóveis, que você pode obter gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo.

Taxa de retorno média: bem acima de 70% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: sites de corretores aceitos aceitos: muitos sites de corretores respeitáveis ​​Preço: Gratuito.


Michael Allen.

Michael Allen é o principal autor da binaryoptionrobotinfo. Possui Doutorado em Economia e trabalhou em banco de investimento por 24 anos.

20 comentários.

Olá a todos! Tenho vindo a investir na IQ Option desde há muito tempo e achei que era realmente bom. Nunca sofreu grandes perdas nesta plataforma de negociação de opções binárias. Além disso, os corretores presentes neste portal comercial são altamente confiáveis ​​e legítimos. Portanto, eu nem tenho que me preocupar com meu dinheiro ao investir neste portal. IQ Option é um ótimo sistema de comércio binário que oferece apenas serviços genuínos aos comerciantes. Estou completamente satisfeito com seus resultados!

Eu leio esse comentário sobre a IQ Option! Eu realmente gostei desse aqui! Eu gosto da maneira como você apresentou cada & # 038; Cada fato sobre a opção QI de forma detalhada. No entanto, gostaria de perguntar algo. Qual é melhor: Opção IQ ou Opção Robot? Estou literalmente confuso sobre esses dois. Ambos são sistemas altamente confiáveis ​​e legítimos. Mesmo os lucros oferecidos são realmente elevados. Então, você pode me ajudar a decidir? Gostaria de fazer investimentos em qualquer um deles. Por favor, me ajude.

Eu sempre confiei em Option Robot como meu melhor parceiro comercial de opções binárias. No entanto, depois de ler esta revisão sobre IQ Option, acho que mesmo esta é realmente boa. Existem várias avaliações positivas e depoimentos sobre a opção IQ. É uma excelente plataforma de negociação de opções binárias que oferece a facilidade de usar a conta demo gratuita para testar o sistema on-line. Como tal, se você estiver negociando pela primeira vez, então você pode negociar com a opção IQ com muita facilidade. Não há necessidade de se preocupar em perder dinheiro com este portal.

Gostei muito desta revisão sobre a opção IQ. Eu tinha lido sobre IQ Option em algum lugar antes. No entanto, não entendi isso seriamente. Como há tantos sistemas de negociação de opções binárias fraudulentas lá fora, torna-se muito difícil confiar em qualquer portal de negociação binário. No entanto, esta revisão é suficiente para limpar todas as dúvidas quanto à confiabilidade da IQ Option. Os comerciantes podem entender que este é um sistema altamente confiável e é capaz de gerar maiores lucros com o investimento dos comerciantes. Muito bom!

IQ Option é uma excelente plataforma de negociação de opções binárias. No entanto, existe um determinado montante de depósito se desejar iniciar a negociação no mesmo. Como tal, eu gostaria de saber sobre alguma plataforma de negociação de opções binárias que não pede montante de depósito para iniciar a negociação binária. Perdi meu dinheiro várias vezes através do valor do depósito apenas. Portanto, não quero assumir nenhum outro risco. Por favor, deixe-me saber de qualquer plataforma binária de negociação de opções. Seria realmente útil. Eu não desejo entrar em nenhum esquema de troca fraudulento novamente.

Esta é uma plataforma de negociação de opções binárias confiável. IQ Option é uma dessas plataformas de negociação de opções binárias nas quais você pode fazer sua confiança inteiramente. Eu estava procurando por qualquer plataforma que seja completamente legítima e não ofereça reivindicações fraudulentas aos comerciantes. É realmente difícil encontrar portais de negociação de opções binárias confiáveis ​​e confiáveis ​​neste setor. Como tal, se você está começando na indústria de troca de opções binárias, então você deve procurar somente os confiáveis. Você pode experimentar a Opção IQ como uma ótima opção!

IQ Option é uma excelente plataforma de negociação de opções binárias. Se você está procurando algum portal de negociação de opções binárias confiável e seguro, esse é a opção perfeita para você. Com um valor mínimo de depósito de apenas US $ 10, você pode simplesmente testar o sistema também, caso você não tenha certeza sobre o sucesso comercial. Além disso, você também pode criar uma conta demo gratuita com a opção IQ. Esta é uma ótima opção para os comerciantes da primeira vez que são céticos sobre o investimento de qualquer quantidade de dinheiro com a nova plataforma de negociação binária. Eu gosto da opção QI!

Oi Michael, eu li sua revisão sobre o portal de negociação de opções binárias do IQ Option. Eu realmente gostei. Comecei recentemente a negociar com o Option Robot. Acho que o IQ Option também é um ótimo que oferece uma infinidade de ofertas confiáveis ​​e # 038; reivindica aos seus comerciantes. Então, agora estou confuso entre os dois. Desejo maximizar meus lucros. Então, eu desejo saber qual deles entre os dois é o melhor? Por favor, deixe-me saber como eu vou começar a investir no mesmo. Obrigado!

Até agora, o Option Robot era a única plataforma binária de negociação de opções que eu costumava confiar completamente. No entanto, agora que leio essa revisão sobre a opção IQ, acho que também posso tentar essa plataforma de negociação de opções binárias. Michael revelou todos os aspectos do portal de negociação da opção IQ escrevendo sobre as coisas boas e ruins também. Como tal, posso confiar inteiramente em sua revisão e, portanto, considerar investir meu dinheiro no IQ Option Robot desta vez.

Embora a IQ Option possa ser uma ótima plataforma para vários investidores lá fora, ainda considero o Option Robot como o melhor. Tenho vindo a investir no Option Robot desde há muito tempo e nunca me decepcionou. Eu sempre consegui negociar com meus investimentos. Eu deveria seguir o Robot de Opção a partir de agora. De qualquer forma, excelente trabalho por escrever tais boas revisões sempre!

Sempre confiei no software de negociação de opções binárias do IQ Option desde o momento em que comecei a negociar no setor de negociação de opções binárias. Além do software IQ Option, também confio no Option Robot, pois um dos meus amigos vem lucrando substancialmente nessa plataforma. Se você está começando novo, então você definitivamente pode considerar investir em qualquer uma dessas duas plataformas. Você fez um trabalho impecável, escrevendo análises detalhadas e detalhadas sobre diferentes opções binárias de comércio de portais. Mantenha o excelente trabalho! Eu gosto dos seus artigos!

Oi, bom dia para todos! Eu estava lendo alguns dos comentários publicados aqui por Michael. Em comparação com os tempos anteriores, penso que agora desenvolvi uma boa quantidade de interesse na indústria de troca de opções binárias. Michael sempre escreve as revisões colocando cada & # 038; cada ponto em atenção ao detalhe. Como tal, isso serve um excelente propósito para os iniciantes na negociação binária, por exemplo, com a opção IQ.

O IQ Option é um ótimo software de negociação binária automatizado que reivindica apenas o que oferece. Bom trabalho, retratando os principais pontos do software IQ Option. É um software de negociação altamente confiável e legítimo e pode ser tentado por aqueles que estão pensando em fazer o investimento pela primeira vez.

Para um investidor ingênuo como eu, Michael é como um socorrista que oferece grande ajuda através das revisões detalhadas de diferentes plataformas de negociação de opções binárias através de seus artigos. Eu o acompanhei minuciosamente e encontrei seus blogs para ser muito útil. Obrigado Michael por sempre me esclarecer com o melhor, de modo que eu possa embarcar na jornada de troca binária com sucesso.

Antes de perder várias vezes na plataforma de negociação de opções binárias, encontrei o software de negociação da opção IQ. I have realized that this is one good choice that I have made in my life as it has until now proved to be highly successful to me in terms of binary trading. I also read the detailed review about IQ Option here. Now, I have gained more confidence in it and will continue investing in the same.

I was using OneTwoTrade and realized that it is a big time scam. They were reflecting some amount in my account, but in the end, I was not able to withdraw the same. I had lost all the confidence and trust upon the binary options trading industry from then onwards. However, after reading the detailed IQ Option review, I have gained some faith back in it. I will give it a try to try my luck at binary options trading industry.

I lost few hundred euros to binary when I was learning but now it’s easy as walking in a beach. worst you can do is to be afraid to learn and trade. Then you can never win. IQ option seems to be trusted broker for long time so I’m keeping my trading with them. Good service if you have something to ask. What kind of experiences other readers have about these brokers?

I gotta say that few other brokers were not so good at helping, advising or educating to binary option world, but IQ Option actually is amazing. They have been helpful and nice all the way eventhough I was beginner a year ago. with their help I managed to do almost 40k with small trades day by day but doing it for a year it has accumulated in to a bigger revenue stream in total. I would recommend IQ option to everyone who is interested online trading. Possibilities are limitless and their service is always good.

You are welcome DTX111, hopefully your good streak continues, keep us updated!

IQ option is very good broker, made 15k€ laready in three weeks!! thank you for writing this binaryoptionrobotinfo and michale allen.

Revisão da opção IQ.

IQ Option has been an excellent binary options trading website since 2018. Naturally, they are quite successful, or a binary trading website would not have lasted that long. Nonetheless, are they as good as they claim to be? This question will be covered in our IQ Option review today.


First off, let’s start our review of IQ Option with the fact that they provide a highly mobile trading platform . In addition to the options of trading through a web-based platform or a downloadable Windows application, the broker also offers a mobile trading platform.

The versatility of the mobile trading platform, which is readily available in both Android and iOS, gives traders the advantage of enjoying limitless trading, anywhere, anytime.

Therefore, you can rest assured that you will not be missing any of the action.

Fácil de usar.

During our IQ Option review, we noticed the broker requires a minimum deposit limit of $10 , which is much lower than the requirements of most other binary options brokers. With this simplicity, the broker allows “People everywhere to be able to trade”. Our review of IQ Option also revealed that the broker offers a free demo account, which gives traders the ability to test their strategies risk-free.

IQ Option trading platform looks absolutely perfect:

The free demo account is equipped with all the essential tools and resources to allow you comfortably perfect your trading skills without posing any threats to your finances.

It is normal for traders, whether beginners or experienced, to be stuck at some point with their trading activities. In our review of IQ Option, we discovered the broker offers quality, 24/7 multi-lingual customer support via phone and email. We asked a few technical questions, and received prompt and satisfying answers.

Payments and withdrawals with no comissions.

As we found in our IQ Option review, their website is highly streamlined for handling secure and comfortable payment options. For example, all major deposit and withdrawal methods, such as Skrill, debit/credit cards, Web Money, and Wire Transfer facilities , are readily available and no comission required.

Importantly, we also noted in our review of IQ Option that they do not have any hidden costs associated with withdrawals. This is important because it implies the broker is committed to providing excellent conditions to traders, without impounding unnecessary costs on them.

Outras características.

Other interesting features we noted in our IQ Option review are as follows.

Education materials : Video tutorials are available for all members, as we found out in our review of IQ Option. This means you get highly useful insights on how and what to trade. Clear policies : Fake Binary Options trading websites are numerous on the internet. As you will note in any of them, their risk disclosures are often obscure or completely missing. However, as we found in our IQ Option review, the broker has clearly mentioned the fact that binary options is a high risk investment, as is associated with any other form of trading. Awards and recognitions : The broker’s commitment to offering traders with unmatched trading conditions has enabled it earn various industry accolades, including Most Innovative Binary Options Broker by Show FX World and Most Reliable Binary Options Broker by MasterForex-V.


Should you invest with IQ Option? Well, it is a binary options trading website. This means they carry a lot of risk. Nonetheless, as we noted in our review of IQ Option, nothing points to the fact that they are running a scam. In fact, the positive reviews all over the internet all seem to indicate they are quite legitimate.

Nonetheless, our advice to you is: IQ Option is worth considering, especially if you are looking for the ultimate trading experience.

Scam inspection | Is IQ Option Scam Broker?

SUMMARY: Being one of the biggest binary options brokers in the world, IQ Option is a broker of choice for many satisfied traders. Thanks to a minimum deposit of only $10 and a minimum investment of $1, it is also the most accessible broker. All trading operations and transactions conducted by IQ Option are regulated by various amenable institutions, including CySEC regulation with licence number 247/14, assuring the safe and fair environment for all traders. IQ Option is a perfectly safe and secure broker to trade with, and you can even test the platform with demo account without providing your credit card information.

IQ Option Binary Options Broker is becoming a well-known platform throughout the world nowadays. More and more traders prefer this particular platform for trading binary options. But is there a risk that IQ Option would appear to be any kind of scam? It is quite easy to reveal that, but nowadays it is also that easy to cheat as there are many different brokers and many inexperienced traders. Scammers are, unfortunately, present on the market and every broker should be checked thoroughly before any step towards depositing is taken. Because of that, it is vital to perform an IQ Option scam inspection.

IQ Option Scam Inspection | History and Trading Platform.

First of all scam brokers can be easily detected by facts from their history, sometimes there is no history at all. IQ Option was presented to market in 2018, Russia was first to see and use the platform, and among Russian traders it quickly gained a strong reputation and also became popular in a short period of time. This allowed IQ Option to develop and spread further, soon it became known in European countries, China, America and so on. Also there is an important thing in this topic of IQ Option scam inspection: very soon after the platform was revealed, the developers provided applications for iOS and Android. Such an effort in making the platform more accessible for everyone suggests that the developers care about each and every client who decided to trust IQ Option. But don’t take just our word for it, visit their website and see for yourself.

Test their customer support, chat with them via live chat or even Skype, ask anything that interests you via e-mail or web-forms and see how fast and how good the answers will be. You can even open a demo account with them, which is, as far as we know one of the best in the business – it can be used indefinitely and it doesn’t even require a deposit! These are probably some of the most important methods of researching a broker and we are very pleased with their results. At the very least, we may say that historical IQ Option scam inspection went very well.

IQ Option Awards.

IQ Option Scam Inspection | International Reputation.

International experts have already valued IQ Option highly enough. In 2018 the platform was named the most innovative binary options broker as it provides easy ways for trading that were even called revolutionary by the Forex Report. Year 2017 brought the platform the name of the Most reliable binary options broker, the experts are highly reliable – those from MasterForex-V academy. With its colorful design and many helpful accessories, the platform is equally well accepted by both beginners and expert traders because it provides a clear and quick way of trading and virtually anyone can learn to use it. It should be said that the platform is proprietary, which is not common in this business, but this does not make any more complicated. On the contrary, all assets offered are known globally, so no one will have to waste time researching new markets and familiarizing themselves with new companies. Here, obviously, our IQ Option scam detector says it also passes as a safe broker and you can learn more if you go to our analysis of IQ Option Login and Trading Platform.

IQ Option Trading Platform 4.0.

IQ Option Scam Inspection | Forma de pagamento.

Although their minimum deposit and minimum trade are exceptionally low, which is one of the broker’s most important characteristics, IQ Option practices a rather strict payment policy which includes obligatory insurance of each and every client’s account in a European Bank. This is due to CySeC license. They approach all transactions with great care, have rules which explain all situations down to the slightest detail and are generally very serious and professional. The clients have picked up on that and you can find numerous positive comments and reviews about this broker. After all, they did receive a lot of prizes during the last few years and that says a lot. Obviously, there are some negative comments, as well, but you will find that these come from people who have lost money through their own mistakes and are just looking for somebody else to blame. All of that ensures us that this IQ Option scam inspection goes more than very well. And, like we said earlier, you always have the option of testing everything for yourself if you open your IQ Option Demo Account. It is completely free and you won’t even have to leave any financial information!

IQ Option Scam Inspection | Retirada.

The very exponential and significant moment in IQ Option scam inspection is the question of funds withdrawal as it shows how easily you can – or cannot – receive your own money. Withdrawal can be performed through different ways, depending on client’s preferences. Webmoney, QIWI, Skrill, Neteller are available as well as Visa and Mastercard. Trader needs to fill out and submit an application, as it usually takes a few moments, which is important for occupied, busy traders. All withdrawals will be processed within one working day. The ease with which anyone can withdraw their money shows the reliability of the platform. Also if a trader has any problems they can always refer to the support team of IQ Option and receive a full consultation. We have analyzed the process of withdrawal to great detail in our IQ Option Withdrawal Review which can be of further use to you if you want to research this topic some more.

IQ Option Scam Inspection | Conclusão.

Because of all that we can say that IQ Option scam examination went well and the platform can be recommended to the traders that appreciate safety and honesty. This is a broker which values its clients very much and will provide a superb service to them. They are absolutely reliable and safe, have a lot of experience and offer some very unique features. You are able to test them thoroughly thanks to their demo account with no limitations to it and the support team is quick to respond through all the usual means of communication. Both novice traders and the more experienced ones are sure to find something that suits them and if you are looking for a new broker, IQ Option is certainly a great choice.

Opção IQ | Visualização do site ao vivo.

I opened an account with IQ option but it reads that i should verify my account and I do not know how I can do it-please help, what can i do?. If my account is not verified will i be not able to trade with this broker?.

Ever since i opened an account with this broker I have never got any call from them, does this mean that I did a mistak while I opened the account which stoped them to call me back and confirm that I have done it?.

Please answer my question. Obrigado!

Hello John, thank you for the questions 🙂

Account verification is a process you need to complete in order to be able to make a withdrawal. To do that, you need to send in a copy of some kind of government-issued photo ID, a proof of your address (a utility bill or a bank statement) and a copy of a the card you used, if indeed you used that method to deposit.

As for the call, I don’t know about that, but you can contact the company and schedule a call, I think. Hopefully, all of this helps 🙂 Do you have any other questions?

Hi, Very interesting review about IQ Option. I have some experience in forex trading and interested to start IQ Option for living. can you answer me the following or what is the best way for me:

1. I want start depositing with my Debit Visa card (which accepted international online).

2. I will withdraw to my Debit card the same amount that deposited via Debit Visa Card.

3. If I use Skrill for further withdrawal for living expenses. Is this ok ?

4. Do you have any other suggestion please ?

All of that sounds really good to me, but I would recommend that you use Skrill (or any other e-wallet) as much as you can here because the fees are much lower that way. Of course, your Visa debit card should be fine to, but like you said, you will need to withdraw to it the amount you deposited before you can withdraw profit through another method.

I can also point you to our strategy page (binaryoptionstrading-review/binary-options-strategy/) if you need some education materials.

If not, just click on the button at the end of the article here and you’ll be taken to the account creation screen.

Do you have any more questions? Please don’t hesitate to ask 🙂

I am Hong Kong, is it legal ?

Sim, claro. IQ Option works with traders from Hong Kong and all payment methods, including Skrill, should be available to you. Other e-wallet options include Neteller and Webmoney.

If I invest for 1 dollar then, how will get profit or how much loss.

Depends on the asset. Your profit can go up to about 90%, so the more you invest, the more you can win. So, it’s all about finding the balance that suits you. Have you made a deposit yet?

Does iq option is legel in india?

Yes, absolutely! Just open an account through the link at the bottom of this article and you’ll be all set!

is it possible to use iq option in south africa.

yes, of course. just use the link at the bottom of our article to sign up and you’ll be all set in no time!

You will need to add an Electronic wallet to be able to withdraw the profits. You will only be able to withdraw the maturity amount of the deposit you made to your Credit Card account.

Example: Deposit US$100 – make profit US$50 = account balance US$150. First you need to withdraw you deposit.

So if you want to withdraw your profit of US$50 you NEED to make a withdrawal to your Credit Card account! Only after you made a withdrawal of the complete maturity of US$100 to your Credit Card account you will be able (and then only be allowed to use this) to your electronic wallet.

After withdrawing your maturity capital of US$100 there is only a transfer to the electronic wallet possible. After that all further withdrawals to your Credit Card account will not be executed.

As Electronic wallet I recommend the use of SKRILL because they are also offering a bitcoin option for money transfers.

SKRILL is used to handle better the Philippine problem of having no official National ID. My girlfriend opened a SKRILL account and used the Voter’s ID for the verification process. Everything went fine.

NETELLER made a lot of problems with the account verification although SKRILL belongs to the NETELLER company.

NETELLER has a problem with the many different Philippine IDs. They are often not prepared to solve this problem.

Please verify first all money transfer methods. Once verified by IQ Option there will be later no problem with withdrawals. First the KYC – verification.

It is the same procedure like in the Philippines – first you need to proceed your KYC verification to open a bank account – PayMaya account – GCash account. & # 8211; coins. ph account. After that everything is working fine.

When sending Philippine PESO PhP by your Credit Card you always have to remember that the exchange fee for the money transfer from PhP to USD is around 4%.

So to make a deposit of US$100 from your PayMaya PESO account by using the Credit Card option it costs you around US$104. If the exchange rate is PhP50 / 1 USD it means you will need a amount balance of around PhP5,200.

To open a coins. ph account helps to transfer the money from SKRILL to coins. ph by using BITCOIN. The whole processing will cost you around 10% from the original transferred amount. So if you were proceeding the withdrawal of US$50 to your coins. ph account there will rest around US$45.

But so the trading is possible w/o using any bank account (for smaller sums – coins. ph allows only a maximum balance of PhP400,000 / year).

Hi i just want to ask.. I’m from the Philippines and I have a debit/mastercard..could I use that card to fund my account and start trading??

Olá john! Yes, MasterCard should be fine. Just don’t forget that you need a copy of the card in order to complete the verification process 🙂

Im From Philippines, i have a debit card(VISA) currency is PESO. will it work? for deposit and withdrawal or do i need to open a US dollar account.

Olá! I think you should be fine because the currency should be exchanged automatically. Do you have everything you need to verify your account?

Yes I do. Obrigado! with regards to the exchange rate? should i follow the exchange rate here in our country in depositing money.

Like I said, I think the money will be exchanged automatically according to the current international rate. But having extra information never hurts, so do keep an eye on the situation 🙂

You should read also my comment above about opening of an Electronic Wallet.

About the Visa Card. You should look how much your Visa Card Issuer is charging for currency exchanges.

My Visa Card is from Germany and they charge 1.75% for the exchange from EUR to any other currency.

The exchange rate that Visa Card is using is lower than the official exchange rate. So you are only able to calculate an estimated amount.

Example: I want to deposit USD100 – inclusive the exchange fee it costs me USD101.75. If the exchange rate is 1.195USD / 1 EUR I am using 1.185 to be sure that the amount on my Visa Card account is sufficient. USD101.75 / 1.185 USD/EUR means that I need an amount around EUR85.87 = EUR86 on my account.

PhP Visa Card account: For example the exchange fee of your Visa Card provider might be 2.5%. You need an amount of USD102.5. The exchange rate of might be PhP50.5 / 1 USD. To be safe with the amount on your account I would use 49PhP / 1 USD. The amount to be deposited on the PhP Visa Card account should be around PhP5,023 means that you will need = PhP5,050 on your Visa Card account.

I was contacted over Instagram with an opportunity from someone and they use your platform.. $500 is the request and 6000 is the return with 10%. does this seem legitimate from your brokers?

Hello Dre. Please note that this is not OUR platform. We simply review it and are not a part of IQ Option.

Did this person that contacted you introduce himself/herself? Are they an official representative of IQ Option?

Maybe you can tell me how to do a bank transfer or Skrill so I can deposit as soon as possible.

Simply head to your bank and make a deposit to the account the broker provides. I think that’s in the deposit section of your account when you log into your IQ Option account. Have you created one yet?

Hi, I am from the UK and would like to join, but I don’t know much about trading. Do you guide and support to gain experience?

Also, I only have PayPal. For UK what other accounts options I could have?

Hello Abby! If you want to learn about trading, you can check out our Strategy section (binaryoptionstrading-review/binary-options-strategy/). We have loads of educational articles there.

Can you please explain what you mean by “account options”?

hi i m frm pakistan i m litle afraid to deposit money as i dont have much so just gimme a little help to satrt and i dont understand the accounts to open how i m goona do that plz help.

Well, with IQ Option you don’t have to invest much. You can start trading with just 10 dollars. Which deposit methods do you have access to?

i dont knw which method do u prefer?? and kindly semd me link for vedios for starters….

Well, perhaps a credit or a debit card would be the quickest way. But you can also use a bank transfer or Skrill… Which of those methods do you have?

I’m from Dubai thanks IQ option, it really been good. I deposited $400 of wish I wanna to change my furniture at home. I just got my payout of $1000. thank a lot, I will invest more by month end.

Hi I’m Leah from philippines and i just started today! I registerd on IQ Options and I need to Have a real account and that is dollar. I hve bank account but i dont know how to open an account in IQ. And one more thing if i invest a minimum of 10$ how can i earn and how can i widraw it! I appreciate if you could help me with this matter.

Muito obrigado.

Hello Leah! To start trading with this broker, simply click on the orange button at the bottom of this article and you will be taken to the page where you can create your trading account.

If you invest $10, you earn money through making successful trades because every correct prediction brings you profit. When you want to withdraw money, all you have to do is fill out a withdrawal request form on the broker’s website and submit it and the withdrawal process will be initiated.

Can I help you with anything else?

what if i don’t have credit card? im from philippines.

Do you have Skrill or maybe a bank account to perform a wire transfer?

in these online account POLI, WebMoney, Skrill and Neteller which one is the best and easy to open as im from pakistan. thanks alot.

Basically, it’s all the same, a lot of traders from Pakistan prefer Skrill or Neteller, but it’s always up to you which one do you prefer.

Existe mais alguma coisa com que eu possa ajudá-lo?

im from Pakistan i would like to know that the procedure to get profit money from IQ option trading to my hand so kindly help me in complete detail including the parties who involve in this. thanks alot.

if i open my account in skrill or any other account then how can i draw money from skrill.

To withdraw, all you have to do is click on Withdraw Funds. A list of large icons of available withdrawal methods will appear. Simply choose the one that suits you best, enter the amount and other information, and click “Withdraw Funds”. Your request will be handled within 24 hours.

i am about to start trading with you am from Tanzania is this country allowed? if not what will happen to my money that i will invest in?

Hello Tony! Yes, IQ Option accepts traders from Tanzania. Just click on the orange button at the bottom of the article (the one that says OPEN FREE TRADING ACCOUNT NOW!) and you’ll be able to start trading immediately!

Will this work in Nepal?

it should as far as I know. have you traded binary options before?

Olá. Is it valid if i used visa debit card from our country (philippines) for depositing and withdrawing? It will took how many days to be processed. I have also skrill. What will i used instead? Obrigado.

Yes, sure, you can use this card if it’s international and valid for the Internet purchases. Also, Skrill should be fine, too. Do you have any other methods in mind?

It usually takes a couple of days for bank transfers to become visible in your account balance.

i have a account..with 50$ deposit.. i make profit of 300$ after an hour.. now can i withdrawal 350$ from my account??if yes how many days it takes to process.

you will be able to withdraw those 50$ via the same way you deposited them, but will need to choose another method to withdraw the profit. Your request should be processed in a couple of days.

do you have a Skrill account or something like that?

Hey .. I deposit 1000 dollars and i get 5000 dollars .. Can i withdrawal only 4000 dollars (profit) same day i get this profit?

And what is the requirements to withdrawal (profit)?

there are no minimum withdrawal requirements, if that’s what you mean. max withdrawal is 1,000,000 dollars per day.

you should be able to withdraw, but it may take a day or two for your request to get processed. Which method are you using?

Is withdraw and deposits method is same.

yes, you should have the same choices. is that what you mean?

Since, I am a Sri Lankan, the proof I have to submit in withdrawals is only my national ID card and it is printed in our country’s national language Sinhala. Will it be a problem to withdraw my funds at the end? Because I don’t have my passport or driving license yet.

Also, need to know, whether, can I use my bank debit card to receive funds in withdrawals, instead of using a credit card?

do you have/can you get a bank statement? that should be enough.

Hi, may i use atm debit card visa to deposit?

sure, you can use this card if it’s international and valid for the Internet purchases.

how much were you thinking of depositing?

Please how can I make my deposit from my Naira Account in Nigeria. Seems the visa debit cards are not going through.

an e-wallet may be the right solution. do you have one?

I want to know if paying because I Info that does not pay?

can you clarify? you don’t have to pay for a demo account, if that’s what you mean. otherwise, 10$ is the minimum deposit with this company.

do you hava a no bonas code.

no, I don’t think binary options brokers give those away. However, we can provide you with free signals if you join our Binary Winners Club (binaryoptionstrading-review/binary-winners-club-registration/)

Looking forward to seeing you there!

As Nigeria base, can i trade with IQ-option and can i make deposit with my bank A/C and withdraw with it or do i need a special account for it.

I don’t think you need a special account for withdrawing money.

Can I go the broker’s site here in the Philippines?

Is there a seminar on site?

yes, I think you should be able to access the website without any problems. as for the educational materials, there are video tutorials available. not sure about seminars, though, but it is possible that they set them up every now and again.

This require credit card ?

you can deposit by credit card, yes, or through some of the online transfer system this company supports. of course, bank wires are also an option.

or are you asking about accessing the educational materials by paying?

can i trade with IQ Option in Tanzania?

I think you can, but check with the broker to be sure.

In Bangladesh cauld i start trading? I have payoneer master card. Can i withdrow profit from it?

I think that should be fine, but do check with the broker first.

Will this work in the philippines?

yes, I believe it should. if you need more info, contact the broker’s support on their website.

what is this application used for.

the withdrawal application? this is used when you want to make a withdrawal. you provide the broker with the data needed for the process to go through smoothly.

Hi..i have a problem paying the 10 dollar account. The keyboard buttons doesnt appear when i click on the payment method, therefore i cant input my card number.

have you contacted the support team about that?

Can I start trading in UAE.

I think you should have no problems with trading there.

Is this platform also work in India.

I think it does. But check with the broker’s customer support, just to be sure.

Can I trade real life IQ in Nigeria, and if yes what are the requirements.

I think the requirements are pretty much the same everywhere – minimum deposit $10. As for your country, you should go to the broker’s website and check, but I think you should be able to trade.

How much can one withdraw at a time? Or in a month please?

You can withdraw up to $1,000,000 per day and there are no restrictions on the number of withdrawals. Which method were you planning on using?

Is Indonesian citizens can participate in trading in iqoption?

Where is the center of iqoption brokerage firm?

yes, traders from Indonesia should be able to trade.

their headquarters are in Limassol, Cyprus. why do you ask? do you need to contact them?

is it possible to earn money from trading online?

of course it is. However, you can’t just go in blindly. A solid strategy is needed first and you can educate yourself on the matter in our Strategy tab (binaryoptionstrading-review/binary-options-strategy/).

Additionally, you can get free signals from us if you sign up with our Binary Winners Club (binaryoptionstrading-review/binary-winners-club-registration/), which means you get some very useful tips from our trading experts. With that, you should be on your way to profit.

Hi, may I use a debit card to deposit from South Africa.

of course. which debit card were you planning on using?

OHHH and i forgot to say, iq option is regulated by CYSEC so normaly there should be no problems. its difficult to choose the good binary option broker without being scared to never see our money again without losing it on a trade. last thing, peope who lose money in trades, dont complain your selves because its the risk its not forced to be the brokers quotes the problem but maybe your strategies and the security you dont have behind your strategy.

agreed 🙂 you sound like an experienced trader. have you been trading with IQ for long?

Any one know the product of iq option the they business on.

can you clarify your question a bit please?

IQ Option is a binary options broker, one of the best in the world. What product do you mean?

Like I said elsewhere, we do not represent IQ Option in any way. We are just reviewers. But I think South African traders are accepted by IQ Option. Check on their website to be sure.

Can Nigérians be opportune to trade on this Platform?

Not sure, but I think they can. Try checking their website.

sim. I am a Cameroonian and i am trading in the platform.

thank you for the info. Everything going ok for you? 🙂

Can I have your contact pls…am. in Cameroon.

Is this Platform for Nigérians toi?

Yes it is. Just make sure you have the right deposit method at your disposal. How do you want to start trading here?

Are you allowed to accept US clients? And do you have a satellite office in US ?

We do not represent IQ Option in any way, so you should look for that information on the broker’s website.

Pls can u trade in Africa Nigeria to b precise? Pls reply me.

Yes, Moses, you should be able to trade in Nigeria. How much are you looking to invest?

im in Tanzania East Africa, i want to make a deposit and start trading. is it possible in my country?

you should try to find that piece of information on the broker’s website. maybe ask their support team about that.

If you can deposit via one of the methods they accept, then I don’t see a problem, but check with the company to be sure.

is it available in the philippines?

like i said to Steffan, just above you, check on the broker’s website 🙂

I am a newbie in here and a Filipino. Once I’d visited the site and seen Philippines is included in the trade. There are 120 active countries participating.

Thank you for that info. Do you have an account with IQ Option, too?

Will the ‘IQ option’ work with Nigerians?

Sim & # 8230; I am in Nigeria.. It works.. I’m using a real account.

Thanks for confirming that. How are things working out for you?

Please how did you make your deposit from Nigeria. It seems the debit cards are not working?

Im from the Philippines im interested to open an account do IQ Option allow traders as well?

I recommend you check that with the broker directly, via their customer support on their website.

I’m a student and I’m away from home I wanna know if I can use my bank statement to serve as proof of address?

do you have an ID to go along with it?

IQ option trading is scam site? pls reply.

No, IQ Option is one of the very best companies when it comes to binary options trading. They also have a CySEC license, which proves they are reliable. Why do you ask about IQ Option being a scam?

I have noticed that IQOption does not make top ten. I hear that many people have complained about the platform.

Usually you need a government-issued ID, a proof of address and a copy of the credit card you used to make a deposit.

i live in india , is it legal to do binary option trading in india??

IQ Option should accept you, if that’s what you mean 🙂

there are no problems with that, as far as I’m aware of.

How much do i have to invest to start trading? or how much do I need to start trading.

Can I really earn money using iq option?

The minimum deposit you need to make is only 10$, one of the lowest in the whole binary options industry. Furthermore, you only need $1 to open a trade. So it’s really easy to start trading here 🙂

Do you need any more assistance?

please i would like to start……how do i start….i want to but afraid…

help….explain in detail pls.

I suggest you read our strategy section a bit and familiarize yourself with the basics. that should help you get rid of your fear.

Hi Iam from South Africa can I trade with real money and what is my minimum deposit required. I will be checking my email.

minimum deposit with this broker is $10.

Im so intrigued by this platform i have been using it for weeks now with a demo account and has not found any descripencies with it. My opinion i researched about this broker looked for everybit of prons and cons on them they are legit yes its a new organisation that was inteoduced 2008 and widespread on 2018 . Most people might not have faith on new invented company more eapecially dealing with money however i say trust your instincts read around hear what other researches have to say about iq options and make you decisions or other thing open a demo account utilise it see the educational facilities do trades and even call the customer support services and test them yourself. Im not dissapointed m soo sure you will never be aswell.

thank you for that thorough review 🙂

have you opened a real trading account with them after using the demo?

I need to know how the Call and Put buttons works, and generally how to operate the IQ app on mobile device?

You see I will the answer for you if you choose call button and you win the aamount of the losers will be credited to you I you losee you ammount will go to winners.

Call button means you expect the price to be higher at your expiry time than it was when you opened trade, while the Put button means you expect the price to go down.

The app can be downloaded from the broker’s website or the app stores. As for using it, it’s pretty much the same like the regular platform.

I this user friendly for south africans? And will I be paid in dollars or Rands ? Which documents do I need for withdrawals ?

You will need a copy of your ID, a proof of your address and a copy of your credit card if that’s what you decide to use.

Yes, South Africans can trade here and I think you will be paid in dollars, but that can be automatically converted to rands in your bank account, I think.

Which money transfer method are you using?

Does it option accept traders from the Caribbean Jamaica.

honestly, I don’t know. I recommend you check with their customer support.

Is iq option supported in the u. s?

Unfortunately, this s not the case at the moment.

I would recommend this broker if you’re from the US:

have you ever traded binary options before?

I just wanted to who lives in the Bahamas can use this platform n how do I go throught the paces.

yes, just click on the button at the bottom of this article and you will be taken to the screen where you can create your trading profile. you are familiar with the financial requirements?

Can I use IQ options from Uganda, East Africa?

yes, I think IQ accepts all African countries. can I help you with anything else?

jebale sebbo. yes u can trade sebbo.

Im from india..can i trade with iq options??

As they demand investments only in USD, EUR AND GBP..

sim você pode. the amounts will simply be converted automatically. How much were you thinking of investing?

Is this broker is scam or real. any one help me.

This is a completely reliable broker. They even have a license fro CySEC, EU’s regulatory body. When it comes to safety, this broker is one of the best 🙂

Do you need help with anything else?

I’d like to know if they allow visa card for deposit and withdrawal of funds?

yes, yes they do 🙂

Love the website – very user friendly and whole lots to see!

Thank you very much! What do you like the most?

Can New Zealand Use This IQ Options?

yes, yes they can 🙂

as a matter of fact, it’s probably the best choice you have. Have you opened an account yet?

Hi, I’d like to know Can this platform is used in INDIANA trader also.

If you mean India, then yes. If you mean the state of Indiana, then I’m afraid not because US traders are not accepted at the moment. Can you clarify?

do they accept traders from philippines? obrigado.

yes they do. do you know how to get started?

I would like to know if traders from Indonesia is allow to join.

Thanks in advance for your response.

yes, Indonesian traders are accepted. Do you have any more questions? 🙂

How do I get hold of the support team?

go to the company’s website. there you will find addresses and phone numbers of all their offices around the world, as well as their e-mail address.

Are the demo results a real reflection of what i would achieve on a real live trading account? Been winning so much to a point where i felt like nah man it can’t be this easy…

What is the possible average profits can one get a day?

depends on how much you invest. profits can go up to 90% per trade. How much were you thinking of depositing?

What are the chances of winning?

That’s great. because I am nt needy but I wanna start trading,$10 is avodable even $ soo happy. i wanna start trading with u.

the chances of winning are pretty good if you have a decent strategy. if you need help with that, head on over to our strategy tab (binaryoptionstrading-review/binary-options-strategy/)

have you already opened an account?

I see they have the Bancontact/MrCash option enabled for deposit, pretty simple. So my question is , as a Maestro card holder, this option is enabling me to deposit with no problems, but can I get withdrawals (in case of) on the same Maestro debit card directly or do I need to select one of the options above and link that card to some other system … ?

you should be able to withdraw directly to your debit card, but be aware that you can withdraw only as much as you had deposited. All profits will be sent to you by another method (like bank wire or some online payment system)

hi do we have members from Saudi Arabia? do they not facing problems in withdrawing their money?

hello 🙂 I haven’t noticed any complaints from those traders or from traders in general about the withdrawal here. Are you from Saudi Arabia? Have you experienced any problems?

DO they charge for withdrawals?

it is how to start and how to sell and purchase.

i want to chatting with u i want to some inquirey about iq option.

depends on the method you’re using. Which method do you prefer?

Hi, can this be used in the Philippines?

yes, no problem 🙂 do you need help in getting started?

Do they accept traders from Nigeria?

Yes 🙂 How much are you looking to invest?

I really wanted to try IQ Option has it was highly recommended. I’m new to the game and am disappointed that the rules recently changed. What is my best option (as a Canadian) in the mobile trading world?

I’m from India and will it be safe for me to trade in this platform?

Yes, IQ Option applies the same high security standards to all clients, no matter where they come from. Which transfer method will you use?

NOT FOR CANADIANS. I loved this platform. Very user friendly and strait forward. And I was doing well at first with the 60 second options. Suddenly my 60seconds started turning into 90-120secs. This was irritating and I was starting to loose money because my strategy relies on the 60seconds options. I contacted support and was told Canada is no longer supported and to withdraw my available funds so that they can block my account. 5 mins prior to that message I had just completed a deposit that they allowed with no notification. Now they are refusing and explanation and I have to wait up to 3 days before my withdrawl is processed. Very disappointing, no explanation, no notification or alert, I feel like I’ve been robbed. If you live in Canada DO NOT use IQ Option.

Canadian regulation regarding trading has recently experienced major changes and dozens of brokers got banned almost overnight. That’s why they don’t accept traders from there anymore. However, mobile trading is still an option for Canadian traders.

So your saying mobile trading with iq option will still be available in canada?

I think it should, I think they found a loophole regarding mobile trading. However, I’m not 100% on that, so I recommend you contact the broker’s support.

Hi please explain ? Mobile trading with I Q options even from Canada ?

Eu acho que sim. I think that the app should be available in Canada. I’m not certain, though. Maybe it would be best if you talked to the broker’s support.

Hello am from swaziland can i use IQ option for trading?

Yes, I believe you should be able to trade. Have you traded anywhere else before?

Hi, I’d like to know if they allow paypal for deposit and withdrawal of funds.. anyone..

don’t think so. POLI, WebMoney, Skrill and Neteller are your options here.

How much do i have to invest to start trading? or how much do I need to start trading.

Can I really earn money using iq option?

minimum deposit is $10 and that’s one of this broker’s main strengths. on top of that, you can also open trades for one dollar, so I think you really don’t need much to start trading with IQ 🙂

based on this, one really doesn’t need much to achieve profit.

why do I have some difficulties in entering login to start trading . When I have filled e’mail and password , it is will stated ” you have already registered” and then I can not log in again. Give explaination. Obrigado.

have you opened an account with them before? maybe you’re confusing registering and logging in 🙂 happens all the time. have you contacted the customer support about this?

On entering their tournaments and receiving a virtual trading account of $100 I have logged in several minutes after the tournament has started and found the tournament leaders to have accounts in the four figure mark. This is not possible to do and I would have to question if these are made up accounts by IQ option to scam people out of their entry fees. In the period of the tournament the leaders grow that $100 into unbelievable amounts. I would appreciate other traders views on this.

there are some very short expiration times over there, plus you can pay extra to start with a bigger amount which gives you an edge in the tournament. have you completed the tournament? what’s your experience with that particular type of trading and with IQ Option in general?

Revisão da opção IQ.



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I.), Duke Energy, Dun & Bradstreet, E*Trade, EOG Resources, EQT Corporation, Eastman Chemical, Eaton Corporation, Ecolab Inc., Edison International, Edwards Lifesciences, Electronic Arts, Emerson Electric Company, Endo International, Entergy Corp., Equifax Inc., Equinix, Equity Residential, Essex Property Trust Inc, Estee Lauder Cos., Eversource Energy, Exelon Corp., Expedia Inc., Expeditors International, Express Scripts, Extra Space Storage, Exxon Mobil Corp., F5 Networks, FLIR Systems, FMC Corporation, FMC Technologies Inc., Facebook, Fastenal Co, FedEx Corporation, Federal Realty Investment Trust, Fidelity National Information Services, Fifth Third Bancorp, First Solar Inc, FirstEnergy Corp, Fiserv Inc, Flowserve Corporation, Fluor Corp., Foot Locker Inc, Ford Motor, Fortive Corp, Fortune Brands Home & Security, Franklin Resources, Freeport-McMoran Cp & Gld, Frontier Communications, Gap Inc., Garmin Ltd., General Dynamics, General Electric, General Growth Properties Inc., General Mills, General Motors, Genuine Parts, Gilead Sciences, Global Payments Inc, Goldman Sachs Group, Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Grainger (W. W.) Inc., HCA Holdings, HCP Inc., HP Inc., Halliburton Co., Hanesbrands Inc, Harley-Davidson, Harman Int'l Industries, Harris Corporation, Hartford Financial Svc. Gp., Hasbro Inc., Helmerich & Payne, Henry Schein, Hess Corporation, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Hologic, Home Depot, Honeywell Int'l Inc., Hormel Foods Corp., Host Hotels & Resorts, Humana Inc., Huntington Bancshares, Illinois Tool Works, Illumina Inc, Ingersoll-Rand PLC, Intel Corp., Intercontinental Exchange, International Bus. Machines, International Paper, Interpublic Group, Intl Flavors & Fragrances, Intuit Inc., Intuitive Surgical Inc., Invesco Ltd., Iron Mountain Incorporated, J. B. Hunt Transport Services, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Jacobs Engineering Group, Johnson & Johnson, Johnson Controls, Juniper Networks, KLA-Tencor Corp., Kansas City Southern, Kellogg Co., KeyCorp, Kimberly-Clark, Kimco Realty, Kinder Morgan, Kohl's Corp., Kraft Heinz Co, Kroger Co., L Brands Inc., L-3 Communications Holdings, LKQ Corporation, Laboratory Corp. of America Holding, Lam Research, Legg Mason, Leggett & Platt, Lennar Corp., Leucadia National Corp., Level 3 Communications, Lilly (Eli) & Co., Lincoln National, Linear Technology Corp., Lockheed Martin Corp., Loews Corp., Lowe's Cos., LyondellBasell, M&T Bank Corp., Macerich, Macy's Inc., Mallinckrodt Plc, Marathon Oil Corp., Marathon Petroleum, Marriott Int'l., Marsh & McLennan, Martin Marietta Materials, Masco Corp., Mastercard Inc., Mattel Inc., McCormick & Co., McDonald's Corp., McKesson Corp., Mead Johnson, Medtronic plc, Merck & Co., MetLife Inc., Michael Kors Holdings, Microchip Technology, Micron Technology, Microsoft Corp., Mohawk Industries, Molson Coors Brewing Company, Mondelez International, Monsanto Co., Monster Beverage, Moody's Corp, Morgan Stanley, Motorola Solutions Inc., Murphy Oil, Mylan N. V., NASDAQ OMX Group, NRG Energy, National Oilwell Varco Inc., Navient, NetApp, Netflix Inc., Newell Rubbermaid Co., Newfield Exploration Co, Newmont Mining Corp. (Hldg. Co.), News Corp. Class A, News Corp. Class B, NextEra Energy, NiSource Inc., Nielsen Holdings, Nike, Noble Energy Inc, Nordstrom, Norfolk Southern Corp., Northern Trust Corp., Northrop Grumman Corp., Nucor Corp., Nvidia Corporation, O'Reilly Automotive, ONEOK, Occidental Petroleum, Omnicom Group, Oracle Corp., Owens-Illinois Inc, PACCAR Inc., PG&E Corp., PNC Financial Services, PPG Industries, PPL Corp., PVH Corp., Parker-Hannifin, Patterson Companies, PayPal, Paychex Inc., Pentair Ltd., People's United Financial, PepsiCo Inc., PerkinElmer, Perrigo, Pfizer Inc., Philip Morris International, Phillips 66, Pinnacle West Capital, Pioneer Natural Resources, Pitney-Bowes, Polo Ralph Lauren Corp., Praxair Inc., Priceline Inc, Principal Financial Group, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Corp., Prologis, Prudential Financial, Public Service Enterprise Inc., Public Storage, Pulte Homes Inc., QUALCOMM Inc., Qorvo, Quanta Services Inc., Quest Diagnostics, Range Resources Corp., Raytheon Co., Realty Income Corporation, Red Hat Inc., Regeneron, Regions Financial Corp., Republic Services Inc, Reynolds American Inc., Robert Half International, Rockwell Automation Inc., Rockwell Collins, Roper Industries, Ross Stores, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd, Ryder System, S&P Global, Inc., SCANA Corp, SL Green Realty, Salesforce, Schlumberger Ltd., Scripps Networks Interactive Inc., Seagate Technology, Sealed Air Corp.(New), Sempra Energy, Sherwin-Williams, Signet Jewelers, Simon Property Group Inc, Skyworks Solutions, Smucker (J. M.), Snap-On Inc., Southern Co., Southwest Airlines, Southwestern Energy, Spectra Energy Corp., St Jude Medical, Stanley Black & Decker, Staples Inc., Starbucks Corp., State Street Corp., Stericycle Inc, Stryker Corp., SunTrust Banks, Symantec Corp., Synchrony Financial, Sysco Corp., T. Rowe Price Group, TE Connectivity Ltd., TJX Companies Inc., Target Corp., Tegna, Teradata Corp., Tesoro Petroleum Co., Texas Instruments, Textron Inc., The Bank of New York Mellon Corp., The Clorox Company, The Coca Cola Company, The Hershey Company, The Mosaic Company, The Travelers Companies Inc., The Walt Disney Company, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Tiffany & Co., Time Warner Inc., Torchmark Corp., Total System Services, Tractor Supply Company, TransDigm Group, Transocean, TripAdvisor, Twenty-First Century Fox Class A, Twenty-First Century Fox Class B, Tyco International, Tyson Foods, U. S. Bancorp, UDR Inc, Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc, Under Armour, Union Pacific, United Continental Holdings, United Health Group Inc., United Parcel Service, United Rentals, Inc., United Technologies, Universal Health Services, Inc., Unum Group, Urban Outfitters, V. F. Corp., Valero Energy, Varian Medical Systems, Ventas Inc, Verisign Inc., Verisk Analytics, Verizon Communications, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc, Viacom Inc., Visa Inc., Vornado Realty Trust, Vulcan Materials, Wal-Mart Stores, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Waste Management Inc., Waters Corporation, Wells Fargo, Welltower Inc., Western Digital, Western Union Co, Westrock Co, Weyerhaeuser Corp., Whirlpool Corp., Whole Foods Market, Williams Cos., Willis Towers Watson, Wisconsin Energy Corporation, Wyndham Worldwide, Wynn Resorts Ltd, XL Capital, Xcel Energy Inc, Xerox Corp., Xilinx Inc, Xylem Inc., Yahoo Inc., Yum! Brands Inc, Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Zions Bancorp, Zoetis, eBay Inc.

Bitcoin (BTC), IOTA, Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP)

Most Innovative Binary Option Broker 2018 from ShowFx World (Moscow) Fastest Growing Binary Options Brand in Europe 2018 from Global Brands Magazine Best Binary Options Broker in Europe 2018 from Global Banking & Finance Review Most Innovative Binary Options Platform and Best Mobile Trading Platform in Binary Options 2018 from International Finance Magazine.

IQ Option é um corretor estabelecido que se especializa em opções binárias e negociação de opções clássicas (vanilla). Their website is available in 13 languages and is accessible globally. The site is operated by IQ Option Europe Ltd company based in Nicosia, Cyprus. The website offers something of a “no frills” approach to binary options trading, which may be simply because it is relatively new. The trading platform is proprietary and a little hard to grasp at first, but it is one of the most advanced trading terminals in the binary industry and it has some interesting features for controlling your investment amount. IQ Option also offers a fully functional demo account. The company itself is regulated in Cyprus by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.

Getting Started with a Demo Account or a Real Account.

You can sign up in under a minute and get started right away on IQ Option. One of the best things about this broker is that they offer a demo account which you can use indefinitely. There are no limitations as far as time goes, and you do not even need to make a deposit to use the demo account. This is a wonderful feature. It is also really uncomplicated to access; you do not need to get in touch with customer service or anything. You will find the link to open a demo account at the top of the page right next to the link for opening a real account.

At any time, you can choose to deposit funds through one of the numerous deposit methods which the site offers. You can open an account in US dollar, Russian ruble, euro, Great Britain pound, Brazilian real, Malaysian ringgit, and Indonesian rupiah, and the minimum deposit size is $10 or equivalent in other currencies. Along with credit and debit card, the site offers a variety of e-wallets and online payment services, most of which are Russian. No withdrawal fees are posted, and neither are any minimum withdrawal thresholds. One of the advantages of the IQ Option deposit system is that it allows you to save your favorite payment method and then use it in a one-click mode. This significantly simplifies the funds deposit process.

Conta VIP.

You can open a real account with as little as $10. This is amazing for traders with small bankrolls or those who want to practice live trading with real money without risking much. There are some great benefits that go with this type of account. But what really is impressive is the VIP account.

You can qualify for the VIP account just by depositing $3,000 or the equivalent in another currency. You can participate in trading competitions, you are given a personal manager, and you also can enjoy monthly analysis of your trading by qualified experts on the IQ Option Team.

In addition to that, VIP account holders enjoy increased rewards on binary options in a range of trading assets.

A Plataforma de Negociação.

IQ Option updated their trading platform in 2018, and let me say, the updated platform is very impressive to see. Forget about your boring white label SpotOption interface. This one-of-a-kind interface displays beautifully with a high contrast graph on a dark screen. The chart updates live, and the bright glowing green dot immediately grabs your attention with its pulsing movement. If you hover your mouse over “Call” or “Put,” an arrow appears pointing in the direction that you are saying that price will move. For a trader who learns visually, this is a wonderful feature to provide clarity and focus.

You can select your trade amount in the top right. If you want, you can trade as little as $1. This is wonderful flexibility for traders with small accounts! On the left, you will see your open and closed positions. You can also look through assets, top performing traders (for copy trading), signals and news. This is very convenient! Don’t like the black background? Change it to white by clicking on the moon-shaped icon at the top of the page.

The platform is supported in several versions, making IQ Option accessible to traders with nearly any device:

It is an interesting platform, and there are 73 different assets to trade. There is a shortage of some traditional trading tools, but there is a great feature for analysis – historical prices for assets going back to 2018. The historical quotes can be adjusted using a custom time zone and are available down to seconds.

Offered education is minimal; there are how-to pages, FAQ, glossary, some newbie’s articles, and financial news.

The range of trading instruments (assets) is astonishing. It includes hundreds of stocks and also currencies, commodities, indices, and even cryptocurrencies.


Earlier, IQ Option organized a series of binary trading tournaments with prize funds from several thousand dollars to as much as $100,000. The tournaments lasted from one day to several weeks and offered an opportunity for the top binary options traders to earn additional cash based on their trading skills and luck. The tournaments were held using virtual funds (usually, $100) but there was a small entry fee ranging from $1 to $100. Some tournaments allowed re-entry after failure after paying additional fee. Most tournaments added up a part of the entrants’ fees to the prize pool, increasing the winning bonus for the top scoring traders. There were multiple tournaments held simultaneously or awaiting traders in preparation stage.

The IQ Option tournaments have been discontinued on November 1, 2017, due to regulatory rules imposed by CySEC.

* Tournaments are subject to Terms & Condições.

Classic (Vanilla) Options.

In addition to binary options, IQ Option offers classic options – American style Calls and Puts on 500 assets traded during the US trading session. Traders can buy the classic options at varying strike levels and varying expiry time. IQ Option lets traders sell their options before expire similarly to early close facility in binary options. However, there is no way to short-sell (write) a classic option with the broker due to potentially unlimited risk of such action.

Trading in classic options opens a lot of opportunities to savvy traders as there are many interesting combinations of binary and vanilla option contracts.

Geographic Presence.

IQ Option is a truly international binary broker. From 2018 on, they offer their trading services in 178 countries:

Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, etc.


After a period of establishing as a rather popular online trading company, there is now a lot of information available about this company and their services. They are no longer new, which means that there is plenty of reviews posted about them in the Web. At the same time, IQ Option strives to be transparent and informative about its business. Their website is not difficult to navigate and you can get answers to most of your questions just by reading through the material. Customer service is available via email, web form, Skype, phone, or paper mail. Their support team is truly multilingual, providing help in 13 languages: English, Russian, Turkish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Swedish, Korean, French, Italian, Arabic, and Indonesian. However, nobody was on Skype when I checked during business hours on a weekday, which was disappointing.


This broker is a real mix of pros and cons. O tamanho mínimo flexível do comércio pode tornar esta uma ótima opção para um pequeno titular de conta que quer economizar dinheiro e negociar com sabedoria. The fully functional, unlimited demo account is excellent. You can practice here as long as you need to and also learn your way around the unique interface without risking a penny. This proprietary trading platform and the control you are given over your payout and risk percentages is also very interesting. The company only offers short-term trades, few trading tools, and otherwise is quite limited on features, however, which are all substantial drawbacks.

IQ Option goes in the category of binary options which are definitely worth checking in with regularly as they look to be rapidly developing new features. They were off to a good start and has already proven to excel in the binary options field. At the same time there is still much of what they could do in the future. Hopefully they will decide to offer more types of options to trade, longer-term options and other tools, and improved access to customer service.

You can read our interview with the representative of IQ Option, which we have done in November 2017.

IQ Option , 4.7 out of 10 based on 35 ratings.


95 Traders' Reviews.

Hi, I want open account in IQOPTION, I writte 6 e-mails and not send never request for me.

Please, do you can contact with IQOPTION and we request my´s mails.

I am a good small trader and I can make good business.

For me, the iqoptions is the best of the best site of binary options.

The prices are just for buy or sell.

between any sites, i see that this is very good.

IQ Option’s support is shocking! I’m still waiting for a reply on some questions i have.

Did they get back to you eventually? I have been waiting a few days also??

Eu opero nessa corretora já fazem 2 meses e sempre reinvestindo e cada vez q reinvisto consigo ganhar mais ainda, não encontrei até agora uma melhor que ela, pela agilidade das operações e o tempo pra expirar é impressionante! tem a dificuldade de pagamento mas é por conta que muitas pessoas tem preguissa de fazer as contas nos processadores de pagamento.

Tu já teve saques pagos por esta corretora? Em qual processador?

sim, pelo webmoney entao transfiro para o meu cartao da payonner e saco em qualquer agencia 24h.

me mostra seu comprovante?

Sim qual seu email?

Quantos dias em média leva até transferir o saque para webmoney?

Have anyone had a problem withdrawing money?

Ja het is oppassen als het om geld gaat opnemen doen ze moeielijk ja geld storten gaat snel maar uitbetalen kan je vergeten wilde opnemen kreeg de melding no monny heb contact gemaakt kreeg geen duidelijk antwoord en je moet voorzichtig zijn met bonus ontvang je bonus van 100,- dan moet je 1500,- inzetten voor je kan opnemen.


Yes I’m trying to withdrawal but there system does not work so I sent the proper info from my bank to do a wire transfer and they still will not do that.

Has anyone got or had success with this system. There is another one I tried and found it to be totally fraudulent, changing winnings after time expired (optionprime). So just checking to see if this one is honest or not.

Has anyone been successful in withdrawing money from their accounts?

I already succeeded withdrawal at iq option…whatsapps me +60194162416..i will show you my successful withdrawal..

I just WhatsApp you to verify your experience on your successful withdrawal with IQOPTION broker.

To me any broker can give bells & whistles if cannot withdraw or have issues with withdrawals then not worth considering.

show me how do you do..

me too , i want to withdraw . but I can’t.

sim é muito rápido eficiente quem quiser ver o comprovante me add no skype: ozzeiass.

Me explica aí como.

Se faz por favor pra fazer a retirada .

Porque eu já tentei faEr pra minha conta mas pede o número do cartão . E quando eu fiz me fala qe foi retirado, mas o dinheiro continua lá pra eu poder usar.

i want to deposit but m hesitating because I haven’t heard any mentioning he withdrew succesfully.

could anyone tell me if there are any fees for opening or holding a account?

Svetlana Ahmetshina please google her. She is a scam runni g and controlling this platform. Do not deposit your money you have been warned.

i already click the activation link in my email but still cannot access to my demo account, i’ve send email to the support team last week but nothing i get from them, can someone help me?

Hi guys, does anyone know What do i Have to do if i Want to withdrawal money back into my account ? Obrigado.

Hi guys, I am using iqoption and requested to withdraw my earnings via bank card amounting to 200usd. i am a small trader. Based on the withdrawal process, the commission is 5 usd but I only receive 50 usd. The balance is not even credited back to my trading acct. Any idea whats going on or you guys face the similar issue before? I have been asking their support team but no response. even their phone numbers published on the website are unresponsive. pls help :(

I find this because and me i have some money for withdrawal and i call they in this numbaer :Tel no. +357 25 825 808.

I just called the office to enquire about withdrawals. I put in £200, and I’m up to £439. I went to withdraw £295 and I recieved an email saying they couldnt proceed and it was cancelled.

THIS IS NOT FRAUD – I spoke to the chap based in their headoffice, he explained that your original deposit needs to go back onto the card you made it from. For example, if you deposited £100 from your debit card, that £100 needs to go back onto the card. If you have any additional funds (because you are up on your trading like myself) then these need to be done via bank wire transfer.

Basically, your deposit amount needs to go back onto the card you made it from and any remaining funds need to be bank wire transferred. This is according to the regulation they adhere to.

I will confirm once the bank wire is successfull. The link above by Kamelia is helpful, the number is genuine and they do have a helpful staff base.

Hi Zee, did you have any success in funds (your profits) being transferred to your bank account.

I am also interested to know if anyone ever succeeds on withdrawing winnings?

zee did the wire transfer end up working?

hi zee did you get your withdrawals?

I am also interested to know if anyone ever succeeds on withdrawing winnings?

From what im reading here , this platform is not worth considering….i smell scam here , sorry IQ YOU WILL NEVER SMELL MY MONEYYYYYY!

I deposited funds and made successful winnings. However, after requesting withdrawals, the system acknowledges withdrawal request but it does not debit your account.

The support department takes weeks if not close close to a month to reply and let you know that you since you deposited with neteller, they have no withdrawal option for neteller so case closed. Payment is a one way traffic.

I don’t think IQ option accept US residents.

Is this company really exist or fake? They don’t pick calls or even reply e mail or web support. If anyone have reliable email address or contact number pls share.

What’s there bonus trading and withdrawal criteria?

I gave you money. lay your money account. I can not access my account after the last paid. why is this happening?

I deposited 100$ from my credit card… but they did not credit it into my account… several emails to them but no answer… SEVERAL CALLS to them but no answer..

Con frecuencia veia publicidad de opciones binarias, y en particular de IQ. Empece con una cuenta.

demo, lei las guias, hice la prueba con 1000 dolares virtuales… Ahora solo me quedan 700… Algo no salio.

bien. Por ahora en forma real no me convence.

Me gustaria saber algo sobre el nivel teorico de ingresos y gastos, ademas del importe para una.

persona sin experiencia. Solo he estado hojeando algunas guias en la seccion de formacion y estrategias.

Supongo que al principio solo habra perdidas, pero ya algo de ganancia despues del segundo o tercer.

Por eso es que lo he hecho asi, pues en general soy bastante cauteloso con este tipo de cosas como.

intercambios y demas. El hecho de que la cantidad de deposito y retiro sea minima, me genero.

confianza desde el principio. Aunque pierdas, pues no sera mucho. Siempre me he retirado al lograr.

acumular lo minimo y asi una y otra vez hasta que este satisfecho.

Pues no le veo ningun sentido a invertir solo 300…pienso que como minimo se deberian invertir.

1000. Pues con 300 no es que se haga mucho. Aunque claro, depende de quien lo haga.

Estoy de acuerdo, pero yo me referia a que por ser la primera vez es mejor comprobar y asi despues.

decidir. Y claro que es algo tonto pensar en obtener beneficios con lo minimo, asi que solo es para.

probar el terreno.

Incluso en el comercio ideal, cuando es 100% seguro que la curva vaya hacia arriba y en la.

plataforma mt4: investing, Fx-trend, Alpari…

Mientras que en IQ option va para abajo… entonces es aqui cuando te pones a pensar…

Pienso que es una tonteria. Si hubiese sido asi, ya les habrian acusado de fraude. Por cierto, por que no les has acusado. Podrias comprobarlo.

Y para que habria de hacerlo. Lo mas interesante es que un amigo mio esta negociando en los mercados extrabursatiles y alli se las arregla para ganar dinero. Puede que mientras unos esten dedicando su tiempo a aprender, otros ya esten tocando el cielo con un dedo))) Antes pensaba que todo esto no era mas que una estrategia de mercadeo, pero ahora solo tengo una buena opinion y gran relacion con esta compañia.

Quien me podria sacar de una duda… Por que entre mas plazo, hay mejores resultados, al menos en una hora es posible no entrar en el rango?

Porque pierdes menos.

Porque para los brokers es mas dificil falsificar los datos.

I feel sorry for all your loss.

Stop wondering where your money went.

Ask yourself where the owner went.

Whoever made this is a genius.

Sorry for your loss ,

He visto en internet informaciuon muy interesante, pero me parece que no es verdadera, por eso es bueno volver a preguntar :). Hay en IQ algun limite para cobrar? Varias veces he visto que si lo hay.

Cuanto tiempo deberia transcurrir desde el momento de la solicitud del pago y desde el momento en el cambio de estado de pago a “en proceso” hasta el momento de tenerlo en el bolsillo??

La semana pasada el pago vino el 25, y la solicitud fue hecha el 18. Incluso en las cuentas VIP antes de los dias festivos y durante, el deposito tarda mas tiempo.

A los dos dias lo he recibido!

Todo esta claro, aunque en mi caso ha sido diferente, pues los pagos en PayPal del 23 y 24 ya los.

habia recibido el lunes, mientras que los de qiwi y master card seguian “en proceso”. Es la primera vez.

que solicito el pago y puede que justo haya caido en dias de fiesta.

Y los dias festivos solo los mercados extrabursatiles trabajan.

Tiene algun sentido negociar los dias festivos. O como tal no hay ninguna diferencia?

They stole my money, i win a trade and after a minute it says i lost and money its taken away after i won. i contact them and i told them about my situation and they just banned my account with my money.

If you blow your demo account you can’t get another. There is no button to renew, you are directed to open a real account only with discount time limit bribes. A good broker allows unlimited demos. Not as this review states at all. As with all binary option brokers you are not dealing with the real Forex world, you are in the broker’s world and he has all the control. You win he loses and if you lose he wins because he has his own dealing desk and makes his own market. If you make money you will be stopped out, that is why so many complain of withdrawal problems.

just you need to uninstall appliation from your android phone. and clean the phone temporary files. after that reinstall and you can use demo account again. ;)

This has now changed and you can renew the demo account back to £1,000 with the newer version.

does any one know why its not possible to login. I opened the demo account last night just for try and after 6 or 7 trade I went out till now which is not able to login back. I think that was not demo i trade with last night and the reason I can not back in is that they run away with my hard earing money lol!

anyway if any one in there pleas tell them open the door its really cold here out side hehehehe.

si existe un diferencial?

1 star for me represents ZERO. Its a SCAN and bunch of thieves. Withdrawals are just impossible. Its now 21 days card withdrawal that should take 1 day and they are just telling me to wait. Of course they don’t do an actual transfer of funds. Only in the system so that they can pocket your cash. FORGET THEM. They also have MALWARE which will hijack your browser and can cause harm to your PC. AVOID them at all cost.

I just deposited in my iqoption and I just took bonus as well, now I want to cancel that bonus so how to do that ? (I haven’t trade with that yet. )

IQ’s platform is excellent, a welcome change from the SpotOption generic offering at most brokers (I also like 24Option as well for the quality of their platform). In terms of withdrawals it really is very simple. You make 2 requests. The first must be for a partial withdrawal to the card from which you made the original deposit, and can be for any amount up to the amount deposited via that card. The second request must be fore a bank transfer to an account in your name. That’s all. It takes 3 working days to process (1 day for “VIP” accounts) and can then take up to 4 days to get into your bank account.

As with ALL brokers I always advise you to make an early withdrawal to test the service. If you invest $100 and you grow your account to $250+ I would suggest getting your $100 back out as a test withdrawal and then make regular withdrawals at least monthly so if the worst happens your losses would be minimised. The CYSEC Regulation is kind of “EU-Lite” but CYSEC does need to retain some credibility so it’s much safer than a truly offshore solution.

…..Just wanted to add that I sent a support ticket to IQ asking for clarification about withdrawals at 8:36pm last night and received a response at 7:56 this morning, which seems fair enough, and finally, remember that this is a very dynamic market. It is unlikely that a broker deriving quotes from Reuters is going to manipulate final prices deliberately to turn your winning trade into a loser. If you have these concerns, get a Metatrader demo and have the chart open alongside the Binary platform so you can verify for yourself if there was a last-minute tick in the market that made the difference. Good trades everybody.

For me this site looks very attractive, easy to use but i think is not safe. Too many peoples have problems with the withdraw and no working phone. I create an free account and i made from 1000£ BONUS , over 16.000 in one day , the second day i deposit 180£ . Of course i loose , but is good because i read all the problems with this site and i stop to us it. Now something interesting now is that : In this moment the site is no on line, so if you deposit on this site, you lose the money 99% in my opinion.

IQ OPTION SCAM BROKER. CHECK THE VIDEO. Dont deposit a single money there. You will be robbed.

want more proof email me.

This (IQ OPTION) is fake and frad. the develop the system with automatic if you want to try you can check . I check the web almost 7 day and invest a lots of money. also check it with the real trade market calculation . the chart is ok but when you put money it will show wrong direction and completely different from the real trade market :-) you can try. i can told you never win FROM IQ option because the total system is developed for scam . so careful.

iqoption to blocked my account and retains my money for no reason. I consider that this is theft.

scam when i opened my position at 4minute it become 60sec oh! shit.

when i win one time Im not got that my position win and have no in historytrading inspect oh it happen manytime and have no chat suport no good scam broker.

Deposited £40, 5 days ago, turned it I to £125, requested my in initial £40 deposit be withdrawn to the same card, landed today.

Do not request higher amount than you’re initial deposit until Identification has been confirmed, it will only cause frustration.

Read the faqs and make sure there’s nothing your missing.

Plz 4rnd tell me about withdrawal? Withdraw kese hotj hai or iq option scam tu nahe hai ?

Reading all above mail, seems like a rather hit and miss broker regards withdrawals, communication, time manipulation on trades, etc. There are hundreds of reviews and comments above over a long period of time, of which the majority by far are negative. I was hoping to open a small account for some new programs I want to test, but this will happen with this broker, sadly.

was thinking about depositing on IQ Option but come on here to see what people are saying first. Got in touch with IQ Option through my free account, this is what was said:-

I was thinking of setting up a real money account but was disappointed when read reviews stating it is impossible to withdraw money from your account through your website.

Could you tell me exactly what the procedure would be to do this?

It is not true, so mane people withdraw money every day on our platform.

After a withdrawal request is made, it receives a “Request” status. After the request comes to process, it receives an “In process” status. After receiving an “In process” status, funds get removed from the balance.

Funds will be transferred to the payment system wallet after the request receives the “Complete” status. The time of payment depends on the bank or the e-wallet system(around 1 day for the e-wallets and up to 7-9 days for the banks).

Thank you for contacting IQ Option!

some people are saying theyve waited for over 20 days though.

No, it does not take so much time.

If any delay occurs we try to solve the issue as fast as possible.

You can always inform us in such cases.

Can anybody advise me on this or point me in the direction of a good binary options site.

Try Binary. I am trading with them since early 2000’s (when they were called BetOnMarkets) and had no issue with them. I don’t know about their short-term trading, but long-term bets choice is very nice.

Just went back on to IQ Option to play about with the demo account and they took it off me only option now is to pay for full account, tried contacting customer support again but nobody answering me. Think that speaks for itself.


I struggle to see how they are a scam site, they are in partnership with Aston martin.

I first opened a demo account: I earned 30.000 fake money in a week, starting from 1000.

It was very easy to apply all kind of “winning strategies” with the demo account, and eht (fake) money flowed in as if it was pouring rain.

then I started trading with real money, just 100 euro. Applying the same logic and strategy, I should have earned 3000 in a week, but there was NO WAY to increase the starting amount, until I lost everything.

I tried over and over again with smaller sums, 10, 20, but every single time I lost everything.

I would recommend to stay away from this broker AND from binary options in general.


and that’s it, for your consideration…

I opened an account and deposited $500 which in turn I made $2675. I then tried to withdraw and what a joke. I now get an error message saying trading is not allow from Australia. My balance has also disappeared. I have sent many emails to support without success. I am gutted that they are so dishonest as I work hard for my money. I have now opened an account with another broker.

Perhaps, you have tried contacting them with a wrong email address. The one you provided here does not exist according to GMail. I would gladly help you to contact IQ Option and resolve this issue if you would allow me to.

I will advice you to contact Mrs. Zahra Belabed at (zahrabelabed200@gmail) for better understanding because her strategies really helped me withdraw my money that was stuck in my broker account and I even made more huge profits. she is genuine and honest. you can contact her if you discover that your broker is scamming you or having withdrawal problem.

if you’re finding it difficult to withdraw i can help you do it, just contact me via email with kuitgreen@gmail, +971558927826.

Not the first time IQ option has done it but until today it was just a minimal difference! On MT4 or MT5 the candle is green(up) quiet large where on IQoption you lose the trade because the candle large and red! Ridiculous! Someone should close them down, i definitely won’t using them ever again…

i recommend finding another broker, plus the service when emailing about the funds and money isn’t good enough! constantly emailing back your message has been forwarded to your broker and they will get in touch, never did!

Very annoying because according to mt4 or mt5 you’re right, yet IQ option you’re wrong…

I lost 100 use as well. With drawl still unknown. As I found according to the financial industry regulation, you need to go thru proper compliance not like this on web we can trade it seems. So most of them run without regulatory compliance. So its a fake.

So far, i got no problem trading with iqoption. Just completed my first withdraw and now waiting for the money to transfer into my bank acc. They said it took 7-9 days banking days. Assim. i’m still waiting. and yes my account is verified. Any question hit me up.

i am already joined iq option, but i cannt open iq option. please give me a iq option sing in / login link.

The login form is right on their homepage.

Poor, harassing for withdrawal, deposited valid documents four times then also denying that I provided the documents. Reason they know better.

Thank GOD deposited only $10.

Deixe uma revisão.


Corretores recomendados.

Novos corretores.

Boletim de Notícias.

O comércio de opções binárias envolve risco. Embora o risco de executar uma opção binária aberta seja fixo para cada comércio individual, é possível perder todo o investimento inicial em um curso de vários negócios ou em um único comércio se o capital inteiro for usado para colocá-lo. Não é recomendável basear as suas decisões de investimento em qualquer informação apresentada ou proveniente de BinaryTrading. Ao navegar neste site, você expressa sua aceitação dos termos deste aviso e que o BinaryTrading não pode ser considerado responsável por quaisquer perdas que possam ocorrer como resultado de sua negociação de opções binárias. O BinaryTrading não é licenciado ou registrado como consultor financeiro ou conselheiro. O BinaryTrading não é um corretor, nem um gerente de fundos. O site não oferece nenhum serviço pago. Todo o conteúdo do BinaryTrading é apresentado somente para fins educacionais ou de entretenimento.

Aviso Geral de Risco: Negociação em Opções Binárias traz um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de seu investimento. Como tal, opções binárias podem não ser apropriadas para você. Você não deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder. Antes de decidir comercializar, você deve considerar cuidadosamente seus objetivos de investimento, nível de experiência e apetite de risco. Em nenhuma circunstância, devemos ter qualquer responsabilidade para qualquer pessoa ou entidade por (a) qualquer perda ou dano total ou parcial causado por, resultando de, ou relacionado a quaisquer transações relacionadas a Opções Binárias ou (b) qualquer direto, indireto, especial , danos consequenciais ou incidentais.

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